Yu Shiyu Column

Trump has led the trend of white populism in the United States and dominated the Republican Party.According to the Washington Post recently, the Republican Party is now mainly composed of suburban white men without a college education and evangelical Christians who turn a blind eye to Trump's unwarranted behavior.

Because low-educated whites have become the largest source of votes for the Republican Party, the establishment Republican Party, including the traditional industrial giants, the Koch brothers, can only support in vain.

CNN Satellite TV comment: In all 14 Republican primary elections in recent days, the winners were all candidates supported by Trump, which became clear evidence that Trump has usurped the Republican Party.

So in the foreseeable future, Trump's personal beliefs will continue to guide the domestic and foreign policies of the United States.And one of Trump's special psychology is his obsession with IQ, and he has a strong sense of white IQ superiority.

Trump has always boasted of his high IQ. He once challenged former Secretary of State Rex Tillerson, who called him an idiot behind his back, to test their intelligence.This IQ complex has obvious racial overtones, and it is believed that the IQ of other races is not as good as that of whites.

The latest example is Trump's tweet on August 3, accusing a black CNN anchor and American professional basketball (NBA) superstar LeBron James of having a low IQ.In fact, LeBron was born in a poor single-parent family, and his childhood life was extremely difficult. Now he has become a world-renowned basketball genius with absolutely extraordinary intelligence.

Trump has also repeatedly criticized the black Congresswoman Maxine Waters for having a very low IQ, even around 65.As early as 2011, Trump accused President Obama, without evidence, of being a poor student who got into Columbia University and Harvard University because of the policy of accommodation.

Such a strong racial IQ complex, especially the IQ superiority of whites, is actually an excellent racial theory a hundred years ago.According to this theory, even among the whites in Europe and America, they are divided into three groups. According to their intelligence, there are three major ethnic groups: Northern Europe, Central Europe, and Southern Europe.Trump's IQ complex is actually still at the above-mentioned excellent race stage.

So he hates immigrants from third world cesspit countries, and advocates attracting immigrants from countries such as Norway.This is because in the above order, Nordic whites have the highest IQ.

Such an IQ complex contains profound anti-Semitism.In excellent racial theories, Jews are at most equivalent to whites in Central and Southern Europe. How can they compare intellectually with mainstream white Americans from Northern Europe?Carl Brigham, a psychologist at Princeton University who invented the SAT college entrance examination in the United States, publicly stated that the so-called smartness of the Jews is just because they study hard, and their innate intelligence is not very high.

But the Jews still surpassed other whites in academic competition, so they got the nickname of slippery silverfish, which means that they are more cunning and insidious besides studying hard, and have a reputation for cheating.

Good race theory is long gone, and anti-Semitism is at least ostensibly out of date.However, the closely related white IQ superiority theory is now resurfacing, but there are historical reasons.This is how the low-educated white populists in the United States use it to oppose all unfair and illegal social competition in their minds.There are two levels of such populism: international and domestic.

Internationally, this is the main public opinion base for Trump's trade war: a trade rival that is superior to the United States.Relying on various cunning and insidious means.Especially in the US-China trade conflict, at least among Trump's white grassroots, the perception that China is cheating is very common.

In domestic affairs, the racism of low-educated whites who think they are superior is on the rise. In addition to continuing to discriminate against low-IQ blacks, they also blame immigrants from cesspit countries for their own status, especially Hispanics.As domestic social competition has intensified, white populist grievances have begun to target Asians who have won the education competition and thus occupy a high proportion of high-income fields such as doctors, Silicon Valley, and Wall Street.

For example, Asians account for only 5.6% in the United States, but they account for 20% of medical doctors trained by American medical schools. Former White House senior senator Bannon complained that Silicon Valley is controlled by Asians, which clearly exposed the impact of white populism on people who are not of our race.His doubts shocked Xiaoer, a right-leaning and conservative second-generation Chinese classmate on Wall Street.Now Trump is openly saying that almost every student (from China) who comes to study in the United States is a spy.

Considering that most of the Chinese Americans entering the upper echelons of the United States today are the second generation of Chinese students studying in the United States, the threat of white populism to Chinese Americans is obvious.

The author is engaged in scientific research in North America