A-shares are a place where ghosts and ghosts often appear.After the stock god Xu Xiang was imprisoned, Gao Yong, a folk stock god, came up again, and he came up with a 1.8 billion stock manipulation case as soon as he was born.Gao Yong is not fighting alone. The private equity fund moat company he founded did not become a talisman for him to manipulate stock prices. On the contrary, he detonated a bigger mine, pushing the star behind him, Huang Xiaoming, to the cusp of a major stock manipulation case.

Gao Yong's road to becoming a manor was simple and rough.Before becoming a banker, Gao Yong often went to TV stations to talk about stocks, participated in stock trading competitions and won the championship, and offered investment courses in colleges and universities. These old routines packaged himself as a so-called stock god.After earning enough fame, Gao Yong partnered with others to establish a private equity fund company Beijing Moat Investment Development Center.Moat companies, like other private equity routines, raise funds through trust and other channels.Some of those who were unwilling to buy trusts entrusted their accounts to Gao Yong to conduct financial management on behalf of clients.Gao Yong's two trust accounts and 14 natural person accounts in custody have aggregated funds of more than 2 billion.Gao Yong likes a shuttle, and all the 2 billion funds are invested in Jinghua Pharmaceutical.

With a huge amount of money in hand, Gao Yong embarked on a rough and crazy road to becoming a banker.In just one month from January 12 to February 17, 2015, Gao Yong's account team commissioned the purchase of 28.39 million shares of Jingjing Pharmaceutical.How big is this amount?More than 28% of the market purchases in the same period.During the period, 23.71 million shares were traded, and the trading volume exceeded the same period by 36%.During this period, the trading volume of at least 18 trading days exceeded 10% of the market in the same period, and the highest trading volume accounted for more than 76%.This game of continuous trading using capital advantages can easily drive up the stock price.In just one month, the stock price rose by more than 66%.

Coincidentally, after Gao Yong entered the market, Jingjing Pharmaceutical suspended trading on the first day of work after the Spring Festival, saying that it would reorganize.Jingjing Pharmaceutical was suspended for three months as soon as it was suspended.On May 25, 2015, after Jingjing Pharmaceutical resumed trading, Gao Yong’s manipulation became even crazier. For 9 consecutive trading days, during the call auction stage every day, he concentrated his capital advantage and placed more than 10 million shares at the limit price. At the highest point, he placed more than 18 million shares, exceeding 60% of the entrustment in the same period, and the highest exceeding 76%.When the stockholders of Essence Pharmaceuticals began to rush into the market frantically, Gao Yong raised his sword and sold 19.9446 million shares within 10 days from June 5, cashing out more than 1.4 billion.

The first batch of shipments was too large, and the stock price of Jinghua Pharmaceutical could not hold up. In order to cash out at a high level, Gao Yong bought cash while buying up to create the illusion of a dealer wash-up, luring more retail investors into the market to take orders.Among them, in 3 trading days, a total of more than 3.68 million shares were bought to increase the stock price. Many retail investors thought that the dealer's wash was over and entered the stage of increase.At the same time that the reorganization of Jinghua Pharmaceutical continued to release positive news, by July, Gao Yong carried out the second batch of shipments.It's just very unfortunate that the stock market crash disrupted Gao Yong's shipment steps, and Jinghua Pharmaceutical's stock price fell forever.Even Jingjing Pharmaceutical's statement supporting the stable development of the capital market failed to stabilize the stock price.As of July 22, Gao Yong's gang had cashed in more than 1.6 billion yuan.

If you want to be unknown to others, you must do nothing yourself.Gao Yong began to retire from the arena after taking office in Essence Pharmaceuticals, but there are still legends about him in the arena, because he made a lot of money for the first-line stars.How much did you earn?Gao Yong earned 897 million yuan on a single ticket for Jinghua Pharmaceutical.The China Securities Regulatory Commission’s inspections focused on Gao Yong, because Gao Yong exposed his flaws during the shipment process and left the account of the film and television star Huang Xiaoming in the second batch of shipments in July.Although Gao Yong had emptied the stock of Jingjing Pharmaceutical in Huang Xiaoming's account before July 22.However, the semi-annual report released by Jinghua Pharmaceutical on July 25, 2015 was still based on the shareholders’ shareholding before June 30. Huang Xiaoming entered the list of the top ten tradable shareholders of Jinghua Pharmaceutical with 1.43 million shares.

Interestingly, Delin Agency discovered a secret from the 2015 public financial statements of Jingjing Pharmaceutical. Gao Yong did not let Huang Xiaoming's account enter Jingjing Pharmaceutical in the first batch.Before the suspension, the first batch of accounts to enter the top ten tradable shareholders of Jinghua Pharmaceutical were Ni Songying, Cui Kexin, and Ni Suying.These three accounts are exactly the three persons involved in Gao Yong's manipulation case disclosed by the China Securities Regulatory Commission.Huang Xiaoming’s account can be seen from the financial report of Jingjing Pharmaceutical, which was entered after Jingjing Pharmaceutical’s reorganization and resumption of trading, which means that Huang Xiaoming’s account did not earn 66% of the profits earned by the first batch of accounts.The batch is the first batch to carry sedan chairs.The China Securities Regulatory Commission disclosed Gao Yong's 1.8 billion stock price manipulation case, saying that Huang Mouming's mother Zhang Mouxia entrusted the accounts of herself and her son to Gao Yong's gang to operate.According to the judiciary's characterization of the case, 1.8 billion is definitely considered an extraordinarily large case.Huang Xiaoming immediately stood up and refuted, saying that he did not know Gao Yong, nor participated in any stock manipulation, nor participated in any related investigations.

Is Huang Xiaoming in the 2015 shareholder list of Jingjing Pharmaceutical the actor Huang Xiaoming?The answer is yes.There is no coincidence in the world. The China Securities Regulatory Commission disclosed Huang Mouming, and Huang Xiaoming happened to appear among the top ten tradable shareholders.Huang Xiaoming was targeted by the inspection department when his name appeared on the shareholder list of Jinghua Pharmaceutical.At the special inspection conference on March 14, 2018, it was specifically mentioned that in Gao Yong’s manipulation of Jingjing Pharmaceuticals, there were accounts of entrepreneurs and movie stars.And Zhang Mouxia notified by the China Securities Regulatory Commission, is Huang Xiaoming's mother Zhang Suxia?It is a pity that Delin Society failed to find another movie star named Huang Xiaoming whose mother was Zhang Mouxia. On the contrary, the star Huang Xiaoming and Zhang Suxia appeared in the shareholder lists of many companies.

In the 1.8 billion stock manipulation case, Huang Xiaoming can't escape unless he destroys the semi-annual report of Jinghua Pharmaceutical in 2015.Sorry, it's too late.Huang Xiaoming can deny that he knew Gao Yong, or that he participated in the manipulation case.However, Huang Xiaoming cannot deny that his mother Zhang Suxia handed over the account to Gao Yong's group for management, let alone that he was involved in the stock price manipulation case.According to Article 77 of the Securities Law, those who, either alone or through collusion, concentrate their capital advantages, hold shares or use information advantages to jointly or continuously buy and sell, manipulate securities transaction prices or securities transaction volumes, and those who are in the accounts actually controlled by themselvesIt is against the law to conduct securities transactions between individuals and to affect the transaction price or the volume of securities transactions.Obviously, if the securities account actually controlled participates in illegal transactions, according to the provisions of securities laws and regulations, the parties concerned must be responsible, and if the behavior causes losses to investors, the perpetrator shall be liable for compensation according to law.

Huang Xiaoming's mother entrusted the account to Gao Yong, but the control of the assets is still in her own hands.According to the case of Gao Yong's manipulation of Jingjing Pharmaceuticals disclosed by the China Securities Regulatory Commission, Gao Yong is managing money on behalf of clients, rather than simply borrowing accounts for Gao Yong's gang.It means that when Huang Xiaoming's mother, Zhang Suxia, reached an entrustment with Gao Yong's gang, in addition to handing over Huang Xiaoming's account to Gao Yong's gang, she also handed over the funds to Gao Yong's gang. In theory, there was an agreement on profit distribution between the two parties.It means that Huang Xiaoming's mother authorized Gao Yong's trading behavior. As for whether Gao Yong was authorized to manipulate the stock of Jingjing Pharmaceutical, from Huang Xiaoming's entry into the list of top ten tradable shareholders of Jingjing Pharmaceutical, objective legal facts have been established.More details require further in-depth investigation by the judiciary, because judging from the Gao Yong case disclosed by the China Securities Regulatory Commission, two trust product accounts, including Huang Xiaoming and14 accounts of natural persons, including mother Zhang Suxia, have obtained a huge amount of illegal profits. How can Huang Xiaoming just push it away?

Can Huang Xiaoming really escape from the 1.8 billion stock manipulation case?Delin Society has always believed that everyone is equal before the law, and the law will never wrong a good person, nor let a bad person go.Especially as a public figure, we should abide by the law. We hope that Huang Xiaoming can explain the problem thoroughly in time.Of course, I look forward to the judiciary's disclosure of the details of the cooperation between Huang Xiaoming's mother and Gao Yong's gang in order to dispel public doubts.Liu Shiyu of the China Securities Regulatory Commission stated at a regulatory meeting that the capital market does not allow predators to do whatever they want and steal blood from retail investors, and there must be a plan to capture a group of capital predators.Under the strict supervision environment, if Huang Xiaoming, as a celebrity, still wants to play word games to shirk responsibility and apply a sentence from the mouthpieces, the final result will inevitably be shooting himself in the foot.