Chinese Vice Foreign Minister Le Yucheng said in Beijing recently that business people are not stupid and would not be willing to lose money for 40 years.

The Seventh World Peace Forum was held at Tsinghua University from the 14th to the 15th of this month. Le Yucheng was invited to attend the forum and made the above statement during it.

According to China News Agency, in response to some people's complaints that trade with China has been unfair and has made a loss-making business, Le Yucheng pointed out that China is a latecomer in international trade, and the trade rules are not set by us.Trade Organization (WTO) conditions are also required.So the unfair hat cannot be pinned on China anyway.40 years ago, China's total foreign trade was US$20.6 billion (S$28.1 billion). In 2017, the trade in goods alone reached US$4.1 trillion. It is not about forced buying and selling, but mutual benefit and win-win results.

At the same time, he noticed that some people are not satisfied with China's investment environment, and even have a lot of criticism.In this regard, Le Yucheng pointed out that in the 40 years of reform and opening up, the Chinese government has continued to work hard to improve the investment environment, and has done a lot of work in market access, streamlining administration and decentralization, and fighting corruption.Although there are still some unsatisfactory aspects, it should be noted that China has always been the developing country that attracts the most foreign investment in the world, and last year it attracted the second largest foreign investment in the world, second only to the United States.In the first half of this year, nearly 30,000 foreign-funded enterprises were newly established, a year-on-year increase of 96.6%.If the investment environment is not good and there is no money to be made, the investment will not come.

He also mentioned that some people accused China of stealing intellectual property by various means.This is also groundless. Le Yucheng said that China has a firm stance on intellectual property protection, and its measures are constantly being improved.Last year, China paid US$28.6 billion for the use of intellectual property rights.Recently, the Trademark Law and the Anti-Unfair Competition Law have been revised to further strengthen the protection of intellectual property rights.In China's foreign investment management regulations, there is no requirement to force the transfer of technology.Some people continue to accuse the Chinese government of forcing foreign companies to transfer technology to China without providing even a single specific case.As for enterprises acquiring technology through commercial cooperation, this is the result of voluntary transactions by market players and has nothing to do with coercion.

Le Yucheng said that although China has grown in size, its international status as the world's largest developing country has not changed, and the gap between us and Western developed countries is still obvious.China's economic aggregate has risen to the second largest in the world, but its per capita GDP is only ranked 71st in the world. There are still about 30 million people who have yet to be lifted out of poverty, 15 million people need to be employed every year, and there are still 87 million people with disabilities..

He said that based on China's basic national conditions, when the outside world makes demands on China, it must take China's developing country status into consideration.It is also unrealistic to require our opening up to be completely equal to that of developed countries. This is like requiring two boxers of different weights to compete on the same stage, or requiring two cars with different displacements to compete on the same track.would lead to the greatest injustice.

Regarding the Belt and Road cooperation, Le Yucheng said that there are a thousand Hamlets in the hearts of a thousand people, and it is impossible to have different opinions around the Belt and Road cooperation, but there is a consensus that is becoming more and more prominent, that is: the Belt and Road cooperation is by no means a debt trap, resource plundering, not to mention closed groups and seeking spheres of influence, but the road of peace, cooperation, and openness. It is the way for China to practice the correct concept of righteousness and profit, and seek common development, meet challenges, and share prosperity with the world.Cooperation Platform.