Chinese Premier Li Keqiang said in a meeting with the Presidents of the European Council and the European Commission that China is committed to creating a good investment and business environment for foreign investors, adopts an equal attitude towards Chinese and foreign companies, and resolutely stops and does not allow the forced transfer of intellectual property rights.

Chinese Premier Li Keqiang said that China has created a good environment for foreign companies to invest in China, and that individuals or companies that maliciously infringe on intellectual property rights will be punished to the point of bankruptcy.

Sino-US trade friction is a bilateral issue. Sino-EU cooperation is not aimed at third parties

In response to public opinion that China is convening EU and other third-party countries to jointly fight against US trade protectionism, Li Keqiang emphasized that Sino-US trade friction is a bilateral issue, and China's communication and cooperation with the EU is not aimed at third parties.

The 20th China-EU leaders' meeting was held in Beijing yesterday.Li Keqiang met with reporters after the meeting with President of the European Council Donald Tusk and President of the European Commission Jean-Claude Juncker. He said that China is committed to creating a good investment and business environment for foreign investors and adopts aTreat all persons equally, resolutely stop and do not allow the forced transfer of intellectual property rights.

The Chinese government has been accused of turning a blind eye to intellectual property infringement for many years, and even actively stealing foreign intellectual property through government-led forced technology transfer.

In this regard, Li Keqiang said that although the government has not yet received direct cases and lawsuits, if companies investing in China or cooperating with China feel that they have been unfairly treated or coerced, you can appeal to us.Especially those who have been seriously infringed on intellectual property rights, the ministers here and I are willing to accept these cases directly.

He promised that China will increase punishment, and punish him for malicious infringement of intellectual property rights until he loses his fortune.

Li Keqiang also said that China's protection of intellectual property rights is actually protecting the innovation and development of Chinese enterprises themselves.He said: Without intellectual property protection, Chinese enterprises cannot develop themselves, so we are harming ourselves.

Li Keqiang described yesterday that the talks between the leaders of China and the EU were in-depth, candid and friendly. The two sides agreed to start negotiations on the China-EU Investment Agreement (BIT), including exchanging bids on the market access list in the BIT.

Li Keqiang said that the China-EU BIT negotiations have entered a new stage of substantive negotiations, which shows that China and the EU's commitment to maintaining multilateralism and free trade is being implemented.

Chinese and European leaders issued a joint statement

China and the EU also issued a joint statement this year after a two-year hiatus.The two sides agreed to maintain high-level exchanges on security and defense policies, strengthen cooperation in the Global Forum on Steel Excess Capacity, and promote cyber policy exchanges and cooperation.China and the EU failed to issue a joint statement at the leaders' meeting the year before last and last year due to serious differences.

In addition, the leaders of the two sides also signed a joint statement on climate change and clean energy yesterday, appreciating the Paris Agreement for demonstrating that multilateralism can provide fair and effective solutions to the most important global problems of today.

When meeting with Tusk and Juncker yesterday, the leader of the Chinese President said that both China and the EU are beneficiaries and defenders of the multilateral trading system. The two sides should follow the trend of the times of world multi-polarization and economic globalization and strengthen strategic communication.and cooperation, and work together to maintain multilateralism and a rules-based free trade system.

Some analysts say that after the start of the Sino-US trade war, the United States also imposed tariffs on European cars, steel and aluminum. Therefore, Beijing saw the opportunity and is actively wooing Europe to stand on the same front against the United States.

However, Europe's position on fair trade and other issues is closer to that of the United States. The European side also doubts China's determination to open its market, so it is unwilling to stand in China's team.

Li Keqiang yesterday also denied the China-EU alliance.He said that Sino-US trade frictions ultimately need to be resolved by China and the United States. The development of relations between China and the EU and the reiteration of the need to jointly maintain multilateralism and free trade are not aimed at third parties, nor will they be affected by third parties.

He said: China and the EU, as the world's two major forces of stability and two major economies, have strategic communication and cooperation is very important.

Li Keqiang also said that communication between China and the EU must be conducive to the formation of consensus on multilateral issues, rather than adding fuel to bilateral disputes and conflicts.

In fact, the basis for mutual trust between China and the EU to cooperate against the United States is not strong.In recent years, China has actively expanded its diplomatic influence in the poorer Central and Eastern European regions, including the 16+1 cooperation with 16 Central and Eastern European countries, which has aroused the concerns of Western European countries.

Li Keqiang emphasized: We are all cooperating under the background of following the rules of the world and EU laws and rules. This is a positive energy and a positive measure to promote the development of the EU and help China maintain multilateralism.

Strengthen China-EU human rights dialogue on the basis of mutual respect and equality

Li Keqiang also took the initiative to raise the issue of human rights in China, which the European and American societies have always been concerned about, saying that the two sides should continue to strengthen the China-EU human rights dialogue on the basis of mutual respect and equal cooperation.

Tusk said that China and the EU still have differences on human rights issues, and the EU will continue to raise the EU's concerns about China's human rights record in talks with China.