On the afternoon of the 13th, the Intermediate People's Court of Bengbu City, Anhui Province pronounced the first-instance verdict on the case of Cheng Han, former party committee member and deputy director of the Anhui Provincial Department of Justice.Cheng Han was sentenced to 15 years in prison for the crime of accepting bribes and fined 4 million yuan; he was sentenced to 3 years in prison for the crime of bending the law for personal gain.It was decided to implement a fixed-term imprisonment of 17 years and 6 months, a fine of 4 million yuan, and recovery of its illegal gains.

The court found that from 2006 to February 2015, Cheng Han successively served as the office director of the Anhui Provincial Public Security Department, the director of the Hefei Public Security Bureau, the deputy mayor of the Hefei Municipal People's Government, and the deputy director of the Anhui Provincial Department of Justice.During this period, Cheng Han took advantage of his position to provide assistance to units or individuals in business operations, case handling, and vehicle license application, and obtained a total of 17,955,236.44 yuan of property from others directly or through specific related parties or illegally obtained it.While accepting bribes wantonly, Cheng Han also used the influence of his position to intervene in the case, helping others to settle the matter, and causing bad influence in the society.

The court held that Cheng Han accepted or solicited bribes from others, which amounted to RMB 17,955,236.44.Because of his sincerity, he will be punished severely according to law.After the incident, all the stolen money and goods involved in the case have been recovered, and this will be given due consideration when sentencing.According to Cheng Han's criminal facts, nature, circumstances and degree of harm to society, the case was discussed and decided by the Judicial Committee of the Bengbu Intermediate People's Court, and the above judgment was made according to law.

After the verdict was pronounced, Cheng Han said in court that he would appeal.Cheng Han was the first person to be severely punished and appealed in court among the officials above the level of sacked horses who were sentenced after the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China.

Cheng Han was born in November 1963 in Fanchang, Anhui. His official career was only in Anhui, and he worked in the political and legal system of Anhui Province for a long time.In July 1985, after graduating from the Law Department of Anhui University with a major in law, he entered the office of the Provincial Public Security Bureau. In 1997, he became the deputy director of the Provincial Public Security Bureau Office.

In April 2007, Cheng Han was appointed Secretary of the Party Committee and Director of the Public Security Bureau of Hefei, the provincial capital, and was designated as the deputy mayor in the following year.In April 2011, he simultaneously entered the leadership of the municipal government as deputy mayor.

According to media reports, as the head of the provincial capital city Public Security Bureau, Cheng Han is known for his outstanding personality and strong style. It is widely circulated in Anhui official circles that he once slapped the deputy director.People familiar with Hefei’s public security system confirmed that around 2013, due to disagreements, Cheng Han slapped a deputy director of the Hefei Public Security Bureau in public at a dinner.Due to excessive force, the deputy director even lost a tooth.Afterwards, the deputy director's family kept reporting Cheng Han to the relevant departments of Anhui Province, and Cheng Han was also called the slap director.

In August 2014, Cheng Han left the public security system for the first time and was transferred to the deputy director and party committee member of the Provincial Department of Justice.When he was transferred, Cheng Han posted a farewell letter on the Hefei Public Security Intranet. At the beginning of the article, he revealed that the leader of the provincial party committee came to talk to him.Traces, but I've flown over.

Although it was a transfer at the same level, Cheng Han kept a low profile after being transferred to the Provincial Department of Justice.In May 2016, Cheng Han was investigated.

Cheng Han was sacked during the fifth inspection team of the Central Committee to look back at Anhui Province. At that time, the inspection feedback pointed out that a small number of cadres in Anhui Province did not restrain themselves and violated discipline.

In August 2016, Anhui Province issued a report on the inspection and review of rectification.According to the report, we will resolutely curb the spread of corruption, and continue to increase the intensity of discipline inspections in response to the problem of a small number of cadres who still do not restrain their hands.Since the central inspection looked back, Cheng Xiaoxian, deputy director of the Standing Committee of the Bozhou Municipal People's Congress, Sha Shenghu, deputy director of the Provincial Civil Affairs Committee, Cheng Han, deputy director of the Provincial Department of Justice, and Fan Xianhan, deputy mayor of Anqing City and director of the Public Security Bureau, have been investigated and dealt with for serious violations of discipline.Illegal cases.

In November last year, designated by the Anhui Provincial Procuratorate, the Bengbu City Procuratorate of Anhui Province prosecuted Cheng Han for accepting bribes and perverting the law for personal gain.

On the morning of December 13 last year, Cheng Han's case of accepting bribes and bending the law for personal gain opened a trial in the Bengbu Intermediate People's Court.At that time, he was accused by the procuratorate of being suspected of taking bribes equivalent to 18.2056 million yuan, which was more than the 17.95523644 yuan found in the court trial.

According to the accusation of the procuratorate, Cheng Han had 18 cases of accepting bribes, among which the most single bribe was a watch worth tens of millions.

From July 2007 to August 2014, he accepted the entrustment of the legal representative of a real estate group company to help the company deal with emergencies and other matters during its operation.In April 2014, Cheng Han received a Patek Philippe watch worth 13 million Hong Kong dollars from the representative at the other party's home, equivalent to 10.3051 million yuan.

In addition, a total of 8 of the 18 bribery facts involved taking care of subordinates.Among them, in the second half of 2009, Cheng Han told his subordinate Wang Moumou, who hoped to be taken care of by him, that he had taken a fancy to a BMW brand bicycle at the Beijing airport.Han.In March 2016, Cheng Han returned the bicycle because he was worried about organizing an investigation.

Another charge of Cheng Han is the crime of perverting the law for personal gain.The court found that he used the influence of his position to intervene in the case, help others "to make things right", and cause bad influence in society.

Cheng Han once used his power to help him get rid of extortion.At the first instance, the procuratorate disclosed the relevant facts of the case.

According to the accusation, in the first half of 2013, Wang Moumou and Li Moumou negotiated the purchase of secret filming equipment, secretly photographed other people's privacy, and then extorted money from the parties.

On June 12, 2014, the two mailed a USB flash drive and a blackmail letter to Cheng Han, then deputy mayor of Hefei and director of the Municipal Public Security Bureau, in Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province.In the afternoon of the next day, the U-disk was signed and inspected. The content contained Cheng Han’s private video and pictures.Social announcement.

On the morning of June 16, Cheng Han asked his subordinates to come to his office, falsely claiming that he and his wife were secretly filmed and blackmailed while staying in a hotel, and asked to arrange an investigation.In order to cover up his personal affair, Cheng Han requested that he be extorted and extorted in writing for investigation, and asked not to go through the formalities of filing the case through the public security collaborative case handling system.The legal procedures for adopting technical investigative measures in this case were linked to an extortion case.

At around 16:00 on June 19, Wang Moumou was arrested in Huaibei City and taken to the Hefei City Public Security Bureau for interrogation that night.Before the interrogation, Cheng Han convened a meeting of three subordinates, and clearly requested that the three of them conduct the interrogation, and the others should not participate.During the interrogation, no specific details of the extortion were asked, only whether there was a copy of the same video and whether there were accomplices.

After interrogation, Wang Moumou confessed that the backup USB flash drive was hidden behind the desk in his residence in Huaibei City.The next morning, the backup USB flash drive was retrieved from Huaibei City and handed over to Cheng Han.After checking, Cheng Han asked again to interrogate whether there was a similar USB flash drive and whether there were accomplices, and made it clear that if Wang Moumou had a good attitude, he would not be held accountable.Later, Cheng Han asked his subordinates to release Wang Qimou on the grounds that Wang Qimou had a good attitude.Afterwards, the backup U disk was also destroyed.

Also on June 20, when the Hefei police had locked down and planned to arrest Li in Ordos City, Inner Mongolia, Cheng Han asked to give up the arrest.Cheng Han was not further investigated for the extortion case, and no measures were taken, which resulted in Wang and Li being separated from the investigation and prosecution of the judiciary.