Since the Democratic Progressive Party returned to power, Tsai Ing-wen's performance and Ma Ying-jeou's political achievements have become interrelated, ever-changing and interesting issues.When Ma Ying-jeou was in power, the two were often compared. Now that Tsai is the current president, her governance philosophy and decision-making influence are of course the most important present.It was silent, but Tsai Ing-wen's reputation and support continued to decline, while Ma Ying-jeou's popularity gradually rose and became popular, and there were endless calls to support him in the 2020 presidential election.

Recently, Ma Ying-jeou, from the new foundation being regarded as a shadow cabinet, to jokingly saying that Mahathir is 92 years old, and I am only 68 years old. Faced with the persuasion of enthusiastic supporters, he has always kept neither admitting nor denying it., it seems that he intends to brew for himself the imaginary space for the future. However, is this really Ma Ying-jeou's second political spring?Did he really think so too?I'm afraid it's not that simple.

After Ma Ying-jeou stepped down as president, he turned from a box office poison to a popular idol. He was very popular everywhere he went, and there were even calls for him to be re-elected as president.Nostalgia and psychological compensation for the ex.

This kind of emotional fermentation and rendering of feelings through the transformation of time and space distance may not be a rational and true cognition, and this is almost the consensus of many generations in the pan-blue camp.

In other words, it is true that Tsai Ing-wen has done poorly and caused public dissatisfaction, but it does not necessarily prove that what Ma Ying-jeou did in the past was right.May I ask, has there been any change in the evaluations of so many policy actions and personal styles that were criticized at the end of Ma's administration?Ma Ying-jeou recently criticized that it was a wrong decision to ship the nuclear four fuel rods back to the United States, but in the face of the energy policy that is critical to national security, it was Ma Ying-jeou who chose to seal up the nuclear four at the beginning, allowing the Tsai government to come to an end after taking office, causing Taiwan's energy demand to fall into troubleBureau, now that he is stepping down and faced with Cai sending out fuel rods, how can Ma have the right to criticize other people's policy mistakes?

Did Ma himself express his regret for the decision to seal up the four nuclear weapons?

Ma's merits and demerits in power have their own public evaluation.His creation of a new cross-strait relationship and the expansion of exchanges, as well as the international practical space obtained by the diplomatic truce under the tacit understanding of the two sides of the strait, are indeed worthy of praise and affirmation. However, he failed to further promote the cross-strait peace agreement.Failure to immediately break through the DPP’s boycott eventually led to the Sunflower Student Movement subverting cross-strait exchanges and making cross-strait integration fall short;

Facing the century-old KMT, Ma vigorously broke the local factions, eliminated the disadvantages but neglected the inheritance and construction of the new blood, which led to the complete collapse of the party organization. As a result, not only lost power, but also reduced the KMT to a weak opposition party with a lack of talents. Ma Ying-jeou has been president for 8 years. The giant ship of history once gave him rare opportunities and challenges. He once created a period of brilliance, but missed historical opportunities.The foundation of long-term stability and stability for sustainable development, let the incorruptible and incompetent good people become his mark.

After all, Ma Ying-jeou is still Ma Ying-jeou. If he really wants to be elected president again, he must first overthrow the old Ma Ying-jeou!

The phenomenon of Ma Ying-jeou inevitably makes people think of Chen Shui-bian, another former president who has been very busy recently.Ma and Bian had completely different styles when they were in power. Ma was clean but cowardly and incompetent, and Bian was strong in execution but greedy and entangled in lawsuits.The difference is that Chen Shui-bian is now on parole for medical treatment, constantly crossing the red line of the rule of law, frequently commenting on current politics and criticizing the ruling power, and appearing in political activities to support Taiwan independence. All his words and deeds are clearly aimed at oppressing Tsai Ing-wen to grant an amnesty. This is to exert political pressure on the rule of law.

Ma Ying-jeou is faced with the judiciary resuming the old case and intensifying the pursuit. Although there has not been much "gain" so far, commentators believe that the DPP must respond to the pressure of the dark green supporters and shift the focus of the Tsai government's ineffective governance., will do everything possible to influence the judiciary to put Ma Ying-jeou in prison, so the outside world is that Arima's positive actions are actually to show his political influence and resist the judicial pursuit.

It is not the norm in a democratic country that a former president is still active in the political arena in an attempt to show influence.The Constitution and related laws do not restrict the re-election of the president in alternate terms, but in terms of establishing a constitutional system with clear powers and responsibilities, and rationally inheriting political operations, it is not a positive and encouraging political culture after all.

Of course, history made a joke of Ma Ying-jeou, causing him to have a subversive reputation after leaving office, but history is both ruthless and merciful. He and the supporters who really care and support him should have enough wisdom to understand the current so-calledDon't misinterpret the Ma Ying-jeou phenomenon.Correspondingly, reasonable social forces should also give Ma Ying-jeou the justice and fairness he deserves, and the political judiciary must not be allowed to subvert right and wrong and create conflicts.