Early Beijing Yiye

It's graduation season again.At least three graduation speeches this year highlighted the wisdom and responsibility of university professors as intellectuals.

On June 19, Jiao Hongchang, deputy dean of the Law School of China University of Political Science and Law, emphasized the importance of human rights and emancipating the mind to the graduates.This speech, which is less than 1,000 words, has no nonsense, and pointed out the pain points of society.

He first quoted Professor Xu Xianming, the former president, as saying that human dignity is the crown of human rights, and respecting and protecting human rights is a heavy responsibility entrusted to the country by the Constitution.

He went on to say that history has proved that confinement of ideas will block the channels for human beings to discover truth, reduce people's ability to innovate, distort the healthy personality of citizens, make falsehoods prevail, and flatterers come to power.

It is not new for people who study the law to talk about human rights, but it is very rare to talk about it in the current political environment and bluntly imply that there is a problem of people's thinking being imprisoned.Liu Xia, the widow of the late Nobel Peace Prize winner Liu Xiaobo, was finally allowed to leave China after nearly eight years of restricted freedom of movement.

On June 29, Ge Zhaoguang, the founding dean of the Institute of Literature and History of Fudan University, severely criticized the status quo of today's colleges and universities at the graduation ceremony.

He said that universities nowadays are more and more like training schools. The four-year university courses have become scripted, completed exams, given grades, and used graduation certificates as proof of job hunting. It is like signing a contract between teachers and students.After receiving the money, the goods will be sold in two pieces.

He said: I am very disgusted with those teachers who are talking nonsense, grandstanding, and flooding the classroom. They are wasting the energy of the students.Waste your life.Teachers have the free spirit and independent character of intellectuals, which can make universities no longer "ruins".

Ge Zhaoguang also said that a university is not a chicken farm, a dance hall, or a stock exchange. It is a place to impart knowledge and preserve ideals.

Graduation speeches are generally teachers preaching to students, pointing out the mistakes students may make and asking them to be vigilant.Ge Zhaoguang reversed his role, turned the magnifying glass upside down, and frankly criticized the problems of professors and universities to students.

The third impressive graduation speech is the recent speech by Li Xiao, dean of the School of Economics and School of Finance of Jilin University, who analyzed the Sino-US trade war.

This speech has been widely circulated, so I will not summarize it here, but directly talk about the common points of the three speeches.

These three stories are not chicken-soup-style inspirational stories, and they are not tear-jerking. This is my mobile phone number, please tell me when you get married!, without using the language of the Internet or games to please, but it is still impressive.I think it is because it is a rare embodiment of the professor's wisdom and responsibility.

Graduation ceremonies are generally a farewell party with a little bit of sadness. The keynote is to wish the students a bright future, and it seems that the higher the students are, the more successful they will be.

The speeches of the three teachers were like a bucket of cold water poured on the overheated heads of young people, asking them to rationally face the ugly or worrying side of reality, and asking them to act on it, or at least to think andRealize that they are in this imperfect reality.

For example, according to Li Xiao’s analysis, the Sino-US trade war is a battle of national destiny, and it may take at least 50 years to end. After being defined as a competitor by the United States, the Chinese nation has reached a new dangerous moment.If you recognize the fact that China is still highly dependent on the US market, technology, and the US dollar, you will not be blindly arrogant, and you will have a sense of urgency to change China's economic growth model.

The three speeches also reflected the academic research skills of the teachers.They don't talk about the general principles of life, but earnestly and seriously analyze a certain worrying social phenomenon from a professional point of view.

For example, Jiao Hongchang talked about the legal risks of big data.He pointed out that whoever owns and utilizes big data has the means to control others and society.He believes that people who study law have the responsibility to help the country achieve modernization, but they are also more obliged to protect the privacy and dignity of citizens from being invaded by capitalist predators and Leviathans.

He said: Facing the challenge of intelligent robots destroying human beings, we should use the creativity of legal people to respond rationally, and move towards a tomorrow that humans can control in a balance between freedom and order.

Because college professors have the knowledge and analytical ability that ordinary people do not have, they can gain insight into social problems and possible solutions to them.

After realizing the problem, conscience and responsibility drive them to speak out, to teach the last meaningful lesson to the students who are about to leave school and enter the society, so that they can be more consciously good people when facing life choices in the future, Understand people.