He who blackmailed the secretary of the municipal party committee had new news 10 years later.

On the 27th, the China Judgment Documents Network released Wei Deming's criminal ruling for extortion and extortion.At the end of May this year, he was sentenced to minus nine months in prison.

Wei Deming blackmailed Zhu Yifang, the former secretary of the Wugang Municipal Party Committee under the jurisdiction of Pingdingshan City.

Wei Deming was born on March 20, 1971 and is a native of Wugang City.He was originally a staff member of the Wugang City Court's Executive Bureau.Behind this extortion case was Wang Yue, the vice president of the Wugang Court at the time.

According to the verdict, in July 2008, the Land and Resources Bureau of Wugang City listed Wuchu (2008)-51 land for sale.Under the guise of Zhao Lan, Wang Yue and Wei Deming entrusted Han Bin to participate in the auction of the land by Wei Deming. Wei Deming provided Han Bin with the power of attorney that Zhao Lan entrusted him to participate in the auction and other procedures.

On August 8, 2008, the Land and Resources Bureau of Wugang City suspended the assignment of the land and refunded the deposit to all bidders.Wei Deming asked Zhu Yifang, the secretary of the Wugang Municipal Party Committee at the time, to compensate Zhao Lan for the losses he suffered in the bidding, and often sent threatening text messages to Zhu.

According to the records of the police interrogation, Zhu Yifang said that in 2008, when he was secretary of the Wugang Municipal Party Committee, he received a text message, which read: I am Wei Deming from the Wugang Court.As the secretary of the municipal party committee, you must handle this matter well.

Zhu Yifang said that after seeing the text message, he contacted Sun Xide, then deputy mayor in charge of urban construction, and Zheng Jianhua, then director of Wugang Land and Resources Bureau, to understand the situation.Auction suspended.

Afterwards, I didn't ask about this matter again. Later, Wei Deming kept sending me text messages, and the content became more and more impolite.They said they wanted to report my problems when I was the mayor and secretary of Wugang to the higher-level discipline inspection department, and put it on the Internet at the same time, so that I would be stigmatized and (let me) get out of Wugang.Zhu Yifang stated in the interrogation record.

However, according to reports, Zhu Yifang approached Liu Shihao, Wei Deming’s superior and then president of the Wugang Court; Li Kai, Wei Deming’s classmate and then vice chairman of the Wugang Political Consultative Conference;Multiplayer coordination.

Yang Sen found Wei Deming's boss, Wang Yue.Wang Yue said in his defense: Zhu Yifang heard that Wei Deming and I were friends, and sent Director Yang Sen to find me.As we all know, court officials are appointed by the National People's Congress and supervised by it. I dare not and do not want to offend Yang Sen, so I had to agree to Yang Sen's entreaty to persuade Deming.

Wang Yue said that Wang Xinwei and Yang Sen approached him seven or eight times, saying that the Wugang municipal government could not sell the land to Zhao Lan for reasons that could not be explained.

Wang Yue said in the transcript, I was very puzzled that selling (the land) to Zhao Lan could increase fiscal revenue. Yang Sen and Wang Xinwei said that there was indeed inconvenience, and Zhao Lan asked for understanding of the city government's difficulties.Because Zhao Lan is Wei Deming's aunt, and Wei and I are friends, so let me do Wei's work.I didn't want to take care of this at first, but I couldn't stand their insistence, so I agreed.

Wang Yue said that he had directly approached Zhao Lan for ideological work, but was rejected by Zhao Lan.Yang Sen and Wang Xinwei later stated that the city government was willing to make compensation and apologize.

Zhao Lan once told Wang Yue that because of the good location of the land, if the auction was successful, it could be converted into a second-floor front house, which would earn at least 10 million yuan.She proposed that at least 4 million yuan should be compensated for her losses.In the end, after coordination, Zhao Lan's claim for compensation was reduced from the initial 4 million to 2.6 million, and she asked to sign an agreement, but Mayor Wang refused to let it be signed, saying that it would be too embarrassing to spread the word.

According to the indictment, on September 11, 2008, Zhu Yifang transferred 2.6 million yuan to the Zhao Lan Agricultural Bank account provided by Wei Deming through a certain steel company in Wugang City. On September 16, 2008, Wei Deming withdrew 500,000 yuan in cash.Give it to Wang Yue's younger brother Wang Moujia, and ask him to hand it over to Wang Yue.The remaining 2.1 million yuan was transferred by Wei to his own account three times.After that, Wang Yue asked Wei Deming to transfer 900,000 yuan of the 2.1 million yuan in his account to Wang Moujia's account twice for his own use.

Zhu Yifang stated in the transcript that he believed that Wei Deming used the land to blackmail him.The reason why I agreed to give money to Wei Deming was because I was afraid that he would make trouble and affect my political future.

In December 2014, the People's Court of Shilong District, Pingdingshan City, Henan Province, made a criminal judgment and found Wei Deming guilty of extortion and sentenced him to eight years and six months in prison.Wei Deming refused to accept and appealed.In February 2015, the Pingdingshan City Intermediate Court rejected the appeal and upheld the original judgment.

In July 2016, Wang Yue was sentenced to 11 years in prison and fined 300,000 yuan by the Shilong District People's Court of Pingdingshan City for committing crimes of extortion, corruption, and accepting bribes.Wang Yue refused to accept the judgment and appealed, and the original judgment was upheld in the second instance.

Zhu Yifang was later transferred to the deputy secretary of the party group of the Pingdingshan CPPCC and secretary of the Party Working Committee of Xincheng District, becoming a deputy city hall cadre.In 2013, Zhu Yifang was sacked. In August 2016, he was sentenced to life imprisonment in the second instance for the crime of accepting bribes, embezzlement, and unidentified sources of huge amounts of property.

The court found that from 2000 to 2013, when Zhu Yifang was the mayor of Wugang City, secretary of the Wugang Municipal Party Committee, and secretary of the Party Working Committee of Xincheng District, Pingdingshan City, he took advantage of his position to illegally accept and demand property from others alone or through others.A total of 19.898 million yuan, 17,000 U.S. dollars, a car worth more than 340,000 yuan, etc.; embezzling public funds of 450,000 yuan; and a huge amount of property that cannot explain the legal source, totaling more than 13.73 million yuan, more than 70,000 U.S. dollars, more than 40,000 yen, etc.

Wei Deming, whose sentence was commuted this time, is believed by the penalty enforcement agency to be able to plead guilty and serve the law during his sentence; abide by laws and regulations and prison regulations, accept education and reform; actively participate in ideological, cultural, vocational and technical studies; actively participate in labor and strive to complete production tasks.As of March 15, 2018, the assessment deadline for this application for commutation, he has been commended 7 times and has been rated as a prison-level criminal reform activist once.

After commutation, his sentence will end on May 25, 2021.