According to the news broadcast, on the afternoon of the 29th, at the First Plenary Session of the 18th Central Committee of the Communist Youth League, a new leadership of the Central Committee of the Communist Youth League was elected.The meeting elected He Junke as the first secretary of the 18th Central Secretariat of the League Central Committee.

He Junke was born in Fengxiang, Shaanxi Province in February 1969. After graduating from the Aerospace Technology Department of the National University of Defense Technology with a major in liquid rocket engines in 1991, he has worked in aerospace systems for 14 years.

The official resume shows that in the past 14 years, He Junke started as an assistant to the Planning Office of the Fourth Academy of the Ministry of Aeronautics and Astronautics in Inner Mongolia.Director of the Planning and Production Division of the Headquarters of the Academy in Inner Mongolia, Assistant to the Dean of the Sixth Research Institute of Aerospace Machinery and Electronics Corporation, Director of the 41st Research Institute, and Secretary of the Party Committee. In 2002, he was promoted to the President and Party Committee of the Sixth Research Institute of the Aerospace Science and Industry Corporation.The deputy secretary was 32 years old at the time.

The Sixth Research Institute of Aerospace Science and Industry Corporation is my country's first solid rocket motor development, production and test base, known as the cradle of solid rocket motors in my country, with more than 6,000 scientific researchers.

Before He Junke became the director of the institute, the three working units, namely the Inner Mongolia Headquarters of the Fourth Academy of the Ministry of Aeronautics and Astronautics, the Inner Mongolia Headquarters of the Fourth Academy of the Aerospace Corporation, and the Inner Mongolia Headquarters of the Fourth Academy of the Aerospace Industry Corporation, all conducted this researchThe predecessor of the hospital.That is to say, He Junke came to the Sixth Research Institute of CASIC after graduation and worked here for 14 years, step by step from an assistant to the post of dean.

After He Junke became the dean of the Sixth Research Institute of China Aerospace Science and Industry Corporation, the Science and Technology Daily published a report saying that when he was appointed as the dean of the Sixth Research Institute of China Aerospace Science and Industry Corporation, He Junke was studying in Moscow.He was very surprised, after all, he was only 32 years old, whether he could take on the leadership of this research institute with 6,000 researchers, he felt unprecedented pressure.In the few days before returning to China, He Junke always suffered from insomnia, and his mind was full of the future of the research institute.

According to reports: He Junke likes the blue sky. During the college entrance examination, he got excellent grades in liberal arts. He filled out the science volunteers and chose the Department of Aerospace Technology of National University of Defense Technology. He likes green.Inner Mongolia prairie.

However, the Sixth Academy at that time fell into the dilemma of no new model traction, no pre-research projects, and no funds for technological transformation, and became a scientific research unit that the state did not invest, support, and develop.After buying daily necessities from his first month's salary, he and his girlfriend only had 5 yuan left, which could not even guarantee the minimum living expenses.Facing the empty dormitory, with 30 yuan borrowed from the finance department, the two remained silent, and the girlfriend cried into tears.

At this time, other units offered an olive branch to He Junke, promising to give him five times the salary and living conditions of the Sixth Hospital.However, this news strengthened his determination to stay. In his eyes, life cannot be measured by money. The metropolis needs talents, but there is no shortage of them. The west needs talents, but there is a shortage of talents.No matter how hard it is, he will challenge the difficulties.

According to reports: He Junke has a good memory, and he likes to use facts and data to speak for all work and research, so he has the nickname of a digital dean.Once, a certain type of engine made a mistake during the test run. The project leader reported that there was probably a problem in a certain link. He was very angry at the time: What I need is not an estimate, but an exact reason, exact number, and how much error there is!

In 2005, He Junke left the aerospace system and was transferred to the Secretariat of the Central Committee of the Communist Youth League. Since 2013, he has served as the executive secretary of the Secretariat of the Central Committee of the Communist Youth League and was elected as the chairman of the All-China Youth Federation in 2013.At the Nineteenth National Congress, he was elected as an alternate member of the Central Committee.

In September last year, after Qin Yizhi, the former first secretary of the League Central Secretariat, was transferred to the former deputy director of the General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine, the position of the first secretary of the League Central Secretariat has been vacant.Some important meetings of the League Central Committee were presided over by He Junke.

From January 15th to 16th this year, the Seventh Plenary Session of the Seventeenth Central Committee of the Communist Youth League was held.He Junke, then executive secretary of the Secretariat of the Central Committee of the Communist Youth League, reported to the plenary session and made a concluding speech at the plenary session. He Junke said that in 2017, under the strong leadership of the Party Central Committee with the leaders of the Communist Party of China as the core, the Communist Youth League will be guided by the leadership of the Communist Party of China's new era of socialism with Chinese characteristics, and will take the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China as the main line,Persist in centering around the center and serving the overall situation, focusing on reform and tackling tough problems, strictly governing the regiment, effectively maintaining and enhancing the political, advanced, and mass nature, and focusing on solving the prominent problems of institutionalization, administration, aristocratization, and entertainment, especially those who are divorced from youth,New progress has been made in promoting the reform and work of the Communist Youth League. He summarized eight aspects of his work in 2017.The first is: to meet and study, publicize and implement the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, and effectively enhance political awareness, awareness of the overall situation, awareness of the core, and awareness of alignment.The second is to focus on building a leading body of the regiment with strong politics, excellent quality, and excellent work style.The administrative establishment of the Central Committee of the Communist Youth League has been reduced by 30% compared with that before the reform, and 85 outstanding young people from all walks of life have been selected to work at the Central Committee of the Communist Youth League and 57 people have part-time jobs.Promote the strictness of political life within the party in the leading organs of the Communist Youth League at all levels, conscientiously hold democratic life meetings and organizational life meetings, carry out criticism and self-criticism with high standards, and carry out special projects in the organs directly under the League Central Committee around strict party political discipline and rules.Inspection, continue to strengthen the warning reminder and supervision and inspection of the spirit of implementing the eight regulations of the central government. In his concluding speech at the Second Plenary Session of the 7th Plenary Session of the 17th Central Committee of the Communist Youth League, He Junke said that talking about politics with a clear-cut stand reflects the essence of the Communist Youth League as the party's assistant and reserve army, and it is also a clear request of the Party Central Committee for the Communist Youth League.The Communist Youth League has three strong characteristics. The first thing is to maintain and enhance the political nature of the group.The General Secretary of the CPC Central Committee quoted Comrade Deng Xiaoping's words at the Central Party Group Work Conference and emphasized: It doesn't matter if the Communist Youth League makes a thousand mistakes, but there is one mistake that cannot be made, that is, to deviate from the party's track.This fully demonstrates the extreme importance of talking about politics to the Communist Youth League.On this major issue, the Communist Youth League must take a particularly firm stand and act particularly resolutely. When talking about the reform of the Communist Youth League, he said that the courage of the Communist Youth League to revolutionize itself is to focus on eliminating the phenomenon of institutionalization, administration, aristocratization, and entertainment, and effectively maintain and enhance its political, advanced, and mass nature, so as to unswervingly reform the Communist Youth League.Follow through. On November 16 last year, a symposium on the reform of the Communist Youth League in colleges and universities was held in Shanghai. He Junke, then executive secretary of the Secretariat of the Central Committee of the Communist Youth League, attended the meeting and delivered a speech. He Junke pointed out that the work of the Communist Youth League in colleges and universities is a key field related to the lifeline of the Communist Youth League organization. It is necessary to strengthen the political nature of the work and activities of the Communist Youth League in colleges and universities.The spirit of courage to take responsibility promotes the reform of the Communist Youth League in colleges and universities. The school Communist Youth League front must be soberly aware of the crisis of being marginalized by the school and students contained in the effectiveness of the work lsquo;The reform of the Communist Youth League in colleges and universities must keep in mind the original nature of the Communist Youth League as a political organization. Under the ideological and political structure of the school, it should highlight and strengthen the functional role in the ideological and political guidance of students and the shaping of values..He Junke said. On April 8 this year, the work conference on party building and party style and clean government construction of the organs directly under the Central Committee of the Communist Youth League was held, and He Junke attended the speech. He Junke pointed out that we have also found many problems by ourselves through two rounds of review.Some of these problems are actual manifestations, and some are major hidden dangers.In general, there are the following aspects: One is that there are still risks in the ideological field.The League Central Committee has a large number of websites, microblogs and public accounts, and sometimes there are deviations in the grasp of specific topics such as public opinion guidance and value guidance;

The second is that some party members and cadres do not have a strong sense of discipline and rules.Some leading cadres believe that in the management of party members, the agencies can be stricter, and the units directly under theYou can ask for a little more relaxation, but you don’t know that there is only one party constitution, and all party members abide by the same rules; some leading cadres are confused and pretend to be confused when declaring personal matters;

The third is that individual units do not do enough to promote reform, and individual party members and cadres do not have a clear understanding of reform.Among the party members who looked back at the on-site test, there are still some who write incorrectly about the three natures and do not understand the four modernizations;

Fourth, the issue of the four winds is repeated from time to time.Among the cases of violating the spirit of the eight central regulations, some used official vehicles for private use during business trips, and some used public funds to pay for the expenses that should be borne by individuals;

Fifth, some units still have a breeding ground for corruption.According to audit feedback, some units have chaotic internal financial management, lack of internal control, and false invoices in their accounts;This is not just an economically unclear issue, but also an ideological one;

Sixth, basic party affairs are still weak.There are still problems such as insufficient vitality of the branch, lack of strictness in the three meetings and one lesson, non-standard development and management of party members, and untimely collection of party dues. There are still problems in the implementation of party building responsibilities.Against the backdrop of comprehensive and strict Party governance, political organs like the Youth League Central Committee must use the highest political standards to demand Party building.