(Comprehensive news from Beijing) In a speech last week, Liu Yadong, editor-in-chief of the Science and Technology Daily under the supervision of the Ministry of Science and Technology of China, bombarded some public opinion for exaggerating China's achievements, and the so-called four new inventions of China have fully surpassed the United States, which fooled the leaders and the public..Liu Yadong's views sparked heated discussions. The official media praised his views at the right time, but some netizens criticized him for belittling himself.

According to Jiemian News, Liu Yadong delivered a keynote speech at the What Stuck Our Neck held in Beijing last Thursday (21st) at the Science Communication Salon of Core Technology that Needs to be Overcome?Compared with developed countries, there is still a big gap.This is common sense, but there are some people in China who talk about the new four major inventions, comprehensive catch-up and main body surpassing. China's economic strength, technological strength, and comprehensive national strength have surpassed the United States and become the world's number one., and it counts as a whole and a part, and it has a nose and an eye.

Lack of scientific guidance hinders technological development

Liu Yadong bluntly said that my country is not so powerful, and it is even controlled by others.At present, in some key technological fields, the gap between China and Western developed countries has not narrowed, but has shown a trend of widening; and only by recognizing the gap can it be possible to bridge the gap, otherwise our Chinese dream will always be a Chinese dream.

He also put forward his thoughts: why are there so many core technologies in China that need to be overcome urgently, and are there some common reasons that hinder China from conquering these core technologies?

Liu Yadong believes that the reason for this phenomenon is firstly the lack of scientific weapons. Since ancient times, China has only had a technical tradition, but no scientific tradition. It is precisely because of the lack of scientific guidance that it has hindered the development and progress of technology;; Third, China lacks a sense of perseverance. Impetuousness and exaggeration are the plagues in China's scientific and technological circles, and they have lasted for at least 20 years.

China's science and technology has developed rapidly in the past 40 years since the reform and opening up. Before ZTE, which heavily relied on imported chips and other components from the United States, was embargoed and sanctioned by the United States, Chinese public opinion was full of voices such as "my country is terrible".The ZTE incident exposed the fact that China's core technology is still controlled by others in many key areas and products.

Liu Yadong's sharp criticism quickly ignited heated discussions in the public opinion. Many netizens praised him for daring to speak the truth and believed that China should wake up.

The Global Times, a subsidiary of the People's Daily, commented that Liu Yadong's speech came at the right time for people with official status to criticize the exaggeration of China's achievements.

The Global Times affirms that such corrections are needed, reminding Chinese people to be humble and not to get carried away. It is undoubtedly beneficial to have such a continuous voice in the process of China's rise, and it will help the collective sobriety of the society.

However, some netizens do not agree with Liu Yadong's argument, thinking that China needs exciting news. If you just belittle yourself and always say that you are behind others, where will your morale come from?