There is a sentence in the oath of joining the party, keep the secrets of the party.Recently, some party members and leading cadres have forgotten their original intentions in this regard: Zhang Wei, the former president of Qinghai Daily, was double fired and transferred to justice.In addition to being suspected of accepting bribes, he was also accused of illegally possessing secret party work documents.

Confidentiality is not only a requirement of civil servants, but also the obligation of every citizen stipulated in the Constitution.But in recent years, many cadres, including big tigers such as Zhou Yongkang and Ling Jihua, have made mistakes in this regard.

According to the public resume, Zhang Wei, who was born in September 1964, has worked in the Party School of the Qinghai Provincial Party Committee for a long time, gradually rising from a teacher to a vice principal.He served as the deputy secretary-general of the provincial party committee for just over half a year. In early 2014, he became the president and secretary of the party group of Qinghai Daily.

From the end of 2016 to the beginning of 2017, the local provincial party committee conducted special inspections on 12 units including Qinghai Daily, achieving full coverage.A year later, in December 2017, Zhang Wei fell.It is worth noting that in April this year, the second round of local inspections was launched and will last until August.In addition to routine inspections, Qinghai Daily was listed as a target to look back.

It can be seen that Zhang Wei has had a considerable negative impact on the political ecology of his unit after only serving for more than three years.

Qinghai Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervisory Committee’s double-opened bulletin shows that during the inspection of the newspaper office by the Provincial Party Committee, Zhang Wei practiced deceit, deceived the organization, resisted censorship, and illegally possessed secret documents of the party’s work.In addition, he also accepted huge bribes and engaged in extramarital affairs.

The Conservative Party's secret is a solemn promise that everyone must make when joining the party.On the other hand, among the sacked cadres who have made mistakes in this area in recent years, there are many heavyweights such as Zhou Yongkang and Ling Jihua.

The Tianjin No. 1 Intermediate People's Court found that Zhou Yongkang violated the provisions of the State Secrets Law by handing 5 top-secret documents and 1 confidential document to Cao Yongzheng who should not have known the contents of the above-mentioned documents in his office.He was sentenced to four years in prison for intentionally leaking state secrets.Coupled with the crime of accepting bribes and abusing his power, Zhou Yongkang was sentenced to life imprisonment.

Also in the Tianjin No. 1 Intermediate People's Court, Ling Jihua was accused of illegally obtaining a large amount of state secret materials through Hawke, then director of the Central Office's Secretariat Bureau, and seriously undermining the state's secrecy system.He was sentenced to five years in prison for the crime of illegally obtaining state secrets.Coupled with the crime of accepting bribes and abusing power, Ji Jihua was sentenced to life imprisonment.

In addition, in October 2015, Huang Xiaomei, the deputy director of the Fujian Human Resources and Social Security Department, was placed on probation by the party for one year and dismissed administratively for violating confidentiality laws and regulations.Leadership positions arrange work.

Leakage has nothing to do with ordinary civil servants?This notion is obviously wrong.According to relevant regulations, civil servants must strictly abide by the discipline of confidentiality, not to borrow, extract, record, or copy state secret documents without authorization, not to discuss state secrets in public places or with family members, children, relatives and friends, and not to handle secret documents that should be handed over for destruction, etc.wait.

And confidentiality is what every citizen should do.Our country's constitution stipulates that citizens have the obligation to keep state secrets, and the Law on Keeping State Secrets also requires all state functionaries and citizens to strictly abide by various secrecy laws and regulations.