Wang Qishan and I grew up in a large courtyard of an agency since childhood.

His father has experienced ups and downs

In the early 1950s, some people checked the Wang family, but by 1956, the Ministry of Construction was still named Tao's surname, and the senior engineer was transferred to Beijing.

I remember that in 1957, my parents were transferred from Shanghai to Beijing, and my sister and sister arrived in Beijing with my parents.Wang Qishan and I were the same as me. We lived in the same courtyard, and he also had a sister and sister.Coincidentally, our two sisters and sisters are the same age, so the three children of the two are often played together.

My father was a member of the intellectual party member. Unfortunately, he was transferred to Beijing soon to support the right to attack the party to attack the party. In 1958, the Central Supervision Commission was approved. The party was inspected for two years.

Wang Qishan's father did not leave a deep impression on me that year. His old man has introverted personality, and does not seem to like to talk more. Instead, his mother left me a deep impression (see below). After a long time, I knew it.Qishan's father also experienced bumpy.

Wang Qishan's father was a senior engineer of the Ministry of Construction directly under the design institute of the Ministry of Construction. In 1929, he was admitted to Tsinghua University from Nankai Foundation to specialize in civil engineering.At that time, Tsinghua also accepted more than one hundred people. Wang's father graduated from Tsinghua in 1933. At that time, he should be considered scarce.

Later, I heard Wang Qishan say that his father graduated from Tsinghua University and went to Qingdao. For several years of work, the Anti -Japanese War broke out. His father was unwilling to do it for the Japanese. Qingdao naturally couldn't stay.There was no way, so I had to go to Wang Qishan's mother's hometown mdash; mdash; Pingdu, Shandong, as a instructor in the mountains.

At that time, Shandong was beacon against Japan. However, the Communist Party had anti -Japanese bases in Shandong, and the Kuomintang also had anti -Japanese guerrilla areas. Pingdu was just the Kuomintang guerrilla area.As a result, Pingdu ’s Kuomintang saw that Wang Qishan's father was a little anti -Japanese, and he sealed the captain of the mountain instructor who graduated from Tsinghua.

In the victory of the Anti -Japanese War, Qingdao became one of the five major municipalities of the Kuomintang. The construction of the city immediately put on the agenda. Of course, Wang's father returned to Qingdao to re -operate the old industry MDASH; mdash; do urban planning and engage in civil construction.

In 1949, the Kuomintang bought a boat ticket for Wang Qishan's father and persuaded him to retreat from Qingdao. However, Wang's father believed that: with energy and technology, the Communist Party must also engage in construction. Why follow the decaying Kuomintang?So stayed.

Unexpectedly, in the early 1950s, some people checked the Wang family.In the later stage of the exercise, the party organization checked: Wang's father's rank was named. Therefore, in 1956, the Ministry of Construction was still named the surname, and the senior engineer was transferred to Beijing.

After the Cultural Revolution, Wang Qishan had chatted with his father. When he talked about that period of copying his family, the father said that he also lost the family and was frightened. He never dared to talk about it.

Wang Qishan told me that his father's unwillingness was about the root cause left by the family. However, the anti -rightist and anti -rightist struggle before the Cultural Revolution, but his father hid because he spoke less.It was not until the outbreak of the Cultural Revolution that the old age of the Kuomintang Captain Lulu was once again stunned by the rebels.

Fortunately, the Cultural Revolution was coming, and intellectuals were unlucky. In addition to the fighting, Wang Qishan's father was to clean up the unit.My father died unfortunately at the Cultural Revolution Classification Conference.

Mr. Wang died in 2001. I remember that I was transferred back to Beijing in the early 1980s. I went to my father's original work unit to apply for implementation policy. I asked to return the house that was confiscated by the Cultural Revolution back to my house.The old gentleman also talks about policy implementation.It can be seen that Wang Qishan, like me, is also a filial son.

After my father died in 1968, the deepest impression was Wang Qishan's mother mdash; mdash; the director of the neighborhood committee of the Government Courtyard Mdash; Mdash; Aunt Cui.

My father's problem was only rehabilitated in 1979. During the entire Cultural Revolution, Director Cui not only had never discriminated against my mother and our family, but also often ran to my house quietly, sitting on the bed with my mother's hand, so comfortable.

Wang Qishan's mother was born at the end of 1915. My mother was born in early 1916. In the high -pressure atmosphere of the Cultural Revolution, the distant relatives are not as good as close to the neighbor. When my mother moved away from that courtyard after the Cultural Revolution, I repeatedly told me that I must go with enthusiasm and be enthusiastic and enthusiastically.The kind Director Cui greeted him. At that time, Director Cui retired and returned home, but Wang Qishan still often went home to visit his mother, and did not forget his mother's birthday.

Boys in the past vicious attack Lei Feng

Wang Qishan was transferred from Qingdao to Beijing in 1956, one year earlier than me.

When I was just transferred to Beijing, it was Shanghai accent, and Wang Qishan was Qingdao's accent.I basically forgot about those past events in elementary school. Wang Qishan is good at remembering. He not only remembers that I am a Shanghai accent, but also recalls that when I was just transferred to Beijing, there was a Shandong classmate in the class called Gai Xue Xue Xue Xue Xue Xuexue in the class.Liang, there are also Shandong accents, because some people in the class jokes them, they also play with those people.

When I was young, I had a good relationship with Wang Qishan. In the middle school, we were not in the same middle school. There were not many exchanges. However, when the Cultural Revolution was boring, we often played basketball together.

Before going to the countryside, I had a vaguely heard that Wang Qishan had made a small mistake during the study in Beijing 35th Middle School (Beijing Xicheng District Key Middle School).What a small mistake is, Wang Qishan said with a smile: Ah, that's not a small mistake, a small criticism, it is a large number of fighting in the school!

After hearing his explanation, I learned that before the Cultural Revolution, outstanding students in high schools were often ordered to be the counselor of the corresponding class of junior high school. When Wang Qishan was in high school, he served as a counselor of the first grade.There was a classmate in that class. At a meeting, he insisted that his worldview was 100 % no problem.As a counselor, Wang Qishan then talked to him, hoping that he could be modest.

Wang Qishan said that at that time, in high school political class, I was talking about Ai Siki's philosophical views. When I was in the spare time, I prefer to read books.I agree with Ai's point of view. From the perspective of philosophy, saying one thing, one person is 100 % good, it seems too absolute.So when I talked to this classmate, I talked about such a point: If Lei Feng was still alive, he could not say that his world view was 100 % correct.First, from the perspective of philosophy, lsquo; live to old, learn the old rsquo; second, if a person says herself, it is too proud hellip; hellip;

The classmates of the first grade at the time agreed with Wang Qishan's words, but later, he gave Wang Qishan's big truth mdash; mdash; especially the statement of Lei Feng's metaphor was passed out.After passing a lot, I left. When the Cultural Revolution comes, some people have stabbed these words of Wang Qishan.

Before going to the countryside, the PLA was ordered to enter the school. Wang Qishan supported the restoration of the order of the school.At this time, those students who had criticized Wang Qishan were a little worried. Wang Qishan said to them that the exercise came, and anyone could say something wrong and handle the wrong thing hell; then met with a smile.

Wang Qishan later told me, it is a pity, cutting into the lineThey found the photos and recording of my batch of me, and they were destroyed.If it is stayed until now, it is actually a bit commemorative.At the school celebration, these classmates and I met again. Everyone was very harmonious. When it comes to the past, they all laughed.

When I went to the countryside, I went to Inner Mongolia. He went to Shaanxi, and we did not contact.

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Source: Digest Report