Fu Hui Tokyo special agent

Japan just commented on the "Three One Earthquake" 11 years ago last week.Fukushima and Miyagi in the severe disaster area encountered a strong earthquake the night before, causing four people to die, and at least 160 people were injured.The body sensation of this earthquake is no less than 11 years ago. The reporter can feel a strong sense of shock in Tokyo 300 kilometers away.

The Japan Atomic Power Regulatory Commission reported that after the earthquake, there was a brief local failure in multiple nuclear power plants in Japan. Generally, the earthquake had no significant effect on the nuclear power plant, there was no radioactive substance leakage, and the relevant monitoring data were not abnormal.Japanese Prime Minister Kishida Kishita pointed out at a press conference yesterday morning that nuclear power stations from all over Japan did not find abnormalities after the earthquake.

In the strong earthquake, there is a problem with the power transportation network in the Kanto area, which is affected by many cities including Tokyo, and more than 2 million households have power outage.

In addition, some parts factories in the industrial area of Miyagi County have suspended operation, which has caused a certain impact on related industrial supply chains.During the crown disease epidemic, there was a problem of insufficient parts in the Japanese manufacturing industry, and this earthquake was undoubtedly worse.

According to the Japanese Meteorological Administration, the earthquake occurred before midnight, and the intensity was 7.4, and the epicenter was in the sea outside Fukushima.The authorities sent tsunami alerts to Fukushima Prefecture and Miyagi Prefecture, and then evacuated residents in the coastal areas of the two places.In the early morning of the 17th, 2030 cm tsunami was observed along the coast of Fukushima and Miyagi.As of 5 o'clock in the morning yesterday, the tsunami alert was lifted.

A victims in Ama City, Fukushima County said: "This earthquake reminds me of the three earthquakes, the aftershocks all night make people feel panic."

Shinkansen train 16 carriage derailment passengers have been trapped for more than three hours

East Japan Railway Company pointed out that in the Northeast Shinkansen Train "Yamana 223" from Tokyo to SendaiThere are 16 sections of derailment.The scene of the incident was located in Baishi City, Miyagi Prefecture. It was about two kilometers from Bai Shizang King Station to Fukushima Station.Neither 75 passengers and three flight attendants were injured, but they were trapped in the train for more than three hours.The company announced yesterday that this new trunk line can not return to normal operation until the end of this month.

In addition, the Ministry of Communications of Japan also found that there are many ground cracks in the Northeast highway, and land traffic must be blocked for the time being.Authorities require airlines to increase flights in Northeast China.

This is the second strong earthquake in the Northeast region since the 2011 Eastern Eastern Eastern Earthquake, the last time in February last year.Experts pointed out that the coastal area of Fukushima is an active earthquake area. This earthquake is related to the large earthquake 11 years ago, and the scope of vibration is also wide.The authorities predict that there will be an equivalent or larger earthquake in the next week, and the people in the Northeast region will be invited to pay more attention.

After the earthquake the night before, the Japanese Prime Minister's House set up an emergency response team and sent the Self -Defense Force to support the disaster area.Kishida Wenxiong said yesterday that "the government is understanding the disaster situation, quickly supports the needs of the disaster area, and also maintains vigilance to prepare for the possible aftershocks."