China -India Army held the 18th round of troops under -level talks on April 23 (Sunday).The two sides agreed to maintain a close communication dialogue through military and diplomatic channels to speed up the relevant issues of the western section of the Sino -Indian border.

According to a press release issued by the Ministry of Defense of China, the Chinese and Indian Army held the 18th round of troops at the Chinese side at the Morto/Chushu meeting point that day.In the spirit of friendship and frankness, the two sides exchanged opinions on the issue.

The press release pointed out that under the guidance of the leaders of the two countries, according to the results of the two countries' foreign ministers, the two sides agreedContinue to maintain peace and tranquility in border areas.

The Indian Times Monday (April 24) quoted the Indian Ministry of Foreign Affairs on the same day that the long -level military talks held on the 23rd were designed to alleviate the tension of the border.Safety and stability along the route, keep close contact, and continue to dialogue through military and diplomatic channels. "

The above report also quotes Indian Minister of Defense Lennete Singh.question.

Indian media said that since the 17th round of military -level talks on December 22, 2022, the Sino -Indian border has remained relatively stable, and there has been no significant conflict in the military field.

China -India has occurred in the border dispute since May 2020. The location of the two sides continued to confront and conflict at the place near multiple actual control lines.The fierce limb conflict erupted by the Levan Valley caused casualties on both sides.

The two sides have held many high -level meetings in the past three years, and have held 18 military -level talks and several bilateral negotiations and coordination meetings, and have reached four locations such as the Galwan Valley.