Reuters reported that the WestOfficials pointed out that both Ukraine and Russia were negotiated carefully, but there was huge gap between the two sides.The Kremlin spokesman Peskov denied that he had made significant progress with Ukraine on Thursday, and he accused Ukraine of "not rush" to reach an agreement.

(Kiev/Moscow Composite Electric) Before the fourth day of the Russia and Ukraine negotiations, Ukraine emphasized that all parties must recognize the country's borders in 1991.The negotiations have not achieved the results so far. The Russian army continued to bomb the major Ukrainian cities yesterday (March 17). However, the Russian ground forces have stalled for several days.

Reuters reports that Western officials have pointed out that both Ukraine and Russia have seriously negotiated, but there are huge gap between the two sides.

The Kremlin spokesman Peskov has made significant progress in negotiations with Ukraine on Thursday.He said that the Financial Times reported on Wednesday that Russia and Ukraine had made significant progress in reaching an agreement. "In general, this report is wrong ... When there is progress, we will tell you."He accused Ukraine of "not rush" to reach an agreement.

Ukrainian presidential consultant, Arestovic, emphasized on Thursday that President Zelezzki did not change the position of land issues, that is, all parties must acknowledge the border of Ukraine when the original Soviet Union was decomposed in 1991.This includes the Wudong area occupied by the Crimean Peninsula and the pro -Russian forces.Ukraine also emphasized Wednesday that the focus of negotiations with Russia is not limited to the neutral position of Ukraine, and Ukraine's security is the main issue.

On the battlefield, the Russian army continued to launch an air raid against major Ukraine cities, but the Russian ground offensive was stagnant.

British military intelligence pointed out on Thursday that most of the frontline troops of the Russian army stopped attacking.The recent offensive has caused major losses in the Russian army, and only insignificant progress has been made in sea, land and air.The British Department of Defense said, "Most of the territory and major cities in Ukraine are still in the hands of Ukraine."

More than 1,000 civilian theaters have been bombed and caused the international community's attention

The theater of more than 1,000 civilians in Maliwol, a port city in southern Ukraine, was strongly bombarded on Wednesday, which caused the international community's attention.The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine accused Russia of committing war, and the Russian Minister of Defense denied the launch of an attack.

The satellite image of the US Science and Technology Maxica Technology shows that the front and rear of the theater wrote the word "children" in Russia, indicating that the theater is an innocent child.Mayor of Mali Ubol said that this was a slaughter.

Since the Russian army's invasion, Mary Ubol is the most bombarded city, and more than 2,000 civilians have died in war.There have been many days of water and electricity for many days, and the citizens are in the dilemma of struggling to survive.

Zelei Sky Publishing a video speech to the German Parliament on Thursday calls on Germany to work together to destroy the new "wall" established by Russia in Europe."It is a wall that is erected between freedom and slavery in China and Europe, and said, as each bomb is cast in Ukraine, this wall will become bigger and bigger."

Zerianzki made a video speech in the early morning of the day that the Russian -Ukraine negotiations were very difficult. The priority that the two sides had to resolve are the completion of the conflict and the protection of the national security and territorial integrity of Ukraine.

The United Nations International Court of Court (ICJ) objected to 13 votes and two votes on Wednesday. Russia should stop military operations against Ukraine, and the judges who voted against votes were from Russia and China.Zelei welcomed the result, saying that this was a victory against Russia.The Kremlin refused to obey.

In addition, the US House of Representatives voted to cancel the normal trade relationship with Russia on Thursday.The cancellation of the most beneficial benefits of trade will allow the United States to levy higher tariffs on Russian goods.

Financial news said that Russia will continue to introduce retaliation measures, for example, Moscow has banned foreigners from selling assets in Russia this month.Next, Moscow will strictly restrict foreigners' permission to buy and sell Russian securities and real estate.