Spo Gong Palace spokesperson said saidPutin was worried about a large number of civilians, so he ordered the suspension of siege operations, but it did not rule out the possibility of fully taking over Ukrainian cities.He also said that Russia can achieve all its goals in Ukraine without the help of China."Russia has the ability to complete this action independently. The action is carried out as planned, and it will also be completed on time and comprehensive."On the 15th), the fourth round of negotiations began, and the world's eagerly looked forward to the breakthroughs of the negotiations between the two countries. However, at about 10:30 last night in Singapore time, the two sides temporarily rest and continue to negotiate today.On the same day, Russia stated that it may take over some big cities in Ukraine.

On Sunday, both Ukraine and Russia stated that negotiations between the two countries have made progress and may reach an agreement within a few days. Therefore, the fourth round of negotiations on Monday is noticeable.Yesterday's negotiations were conducted online. Ukraine said that Podoliak said after the negotiations said that the Russian and Ukraine's political system was too different and the negotiations were difficult.He said that Russia "still believes that it is the right strategy for the opposite (Ukraine) peaceful urban violence in 19 days."

Before the negotiations began, Podoliak said that the negotiations will be concentrated on the issue of ceasefire, the evacuation of the Russian army, and the safety guarantee for Ukraine.One of the main tasks of Ukraine President Zeleki said that one of the main tasks of the Ukrainian delegation was to arrange him to talk directly with Russian President Putin.In this regard, President President President Peskov said no one ruled out the possibility of Russian President Putin and Zellezki, but before that, he had to figure out what the meeting would be discussed and what he expected.

However, during the negotiations, Peskov said at a press conference held in Moscow that the Russian Ministry of Defense did not rule out some large Ukrainian cities.He said that the Russian army has surrounded some major cities in Ukraine, but Putin is worried about a large number of civilians to be harmed, so it has ordered the suspension of siege operations. However, Peskov said that the possibility of fully taking over these big cities is not ruled out.

For reports that Russia asked for military equipment from China, Peskov replied "no".He said that Russia can achieve all its goals in Ukraine without the help of China."Russia has the ability to complete this action independently. As we said, the action is being performed as planned and will be completed on time and comprehensive."

However, the Russian National Guard of Putin, one of PutinCommander Zolotov acknowledged that Russia's special military operations were not as fast as expected.He slowed progress than expected to be attributed to the extremely right -wing Ukrainian army to treat civilians as human shields.Russian officials have repeatedly accused Ukraine as a shield for civilians, and Kiev has firmly denied that this is the case.

In terms of war, before dawn, many cities and regions in Ukraine, including Kiev and Chelkas in the central region, Lavff in the west, and Ivano Frankovsk, Ade in the southSa, the air strike alert continuously sounded.

Multid -residential areas were attacked by artillery and missiles on Monday, causing two people to die, and more than a dozen people were injured.The Antonov aircraft manufacturer was also bombed.

The Russian ground forces continue to advance to Kiev.The intelligence of British Saturday stated that the Russian army was only 25 kilometers away from Kiev.At present, Kiev's road to the south is still open.Officials said they were reserving food for 2 million people who were trapped.

The British Ministry of Defense said on Sunday that the Russian Navy has blocked the Black Sea coast of Ukraine and cut off Ukraine's international maritime trade.British intelligence also shows that the Russian Navy continued to attack the targets across Ukraine.

Zelei said that since the start of the war, the Russian army has lost approximately 1200 soldiers.Moscow only announced the number of casualties on March 2, when they acknowledged 498 deaths.Kiev also said that about 1,300 people were killed.

The United Nations said that at least 596 civilians have died so far, and the number may be higher.The European Union said that more than 2,400 civilians were killed by Mali Ubol alone.The United Nations also said that more than 2.8 million people have fled in Ukraine.With the relatively safe western Ukraine, the Russian army was also bombed, the EU evaluated the number of refugees in the next 5 million.