CCTV published last night (June 9) that in June, the strength of the United States in the Indo -Pacific region increased and increased frequency.The two large -scale exercises of the U.S. military this month will be held one after another.

On June 6, local time, the United States and Indo -Pacific Command announced that the exercise codenamed the brave shield was launched in Guam and the surrounding areas, and it will continue until the 17th of this month.

Earlier news shows that the United States -led Ruan -Pacific Military exercise will be launched at the end of this month, with a total of 26 countries participating and unprecedented scale.

Mobilize the entire Indo -Pacific region to participate in the performance

Zheng knows that the brave shield began in 2006 and was held every two years.The exercise is completely involved in the U.S. forces and does not invite other countries. This is the largest and most practical exercise in the U.S. military in the Indo -Pacific region.

CCTV disclosed that more than 13,000 troops participated this year came from the US Army, Navy, Air Force, Marine Corps and Space Force.The exercise will use more than 200 planes and 15 ships, including two nuclear -powered aircraft carrier Reagan and Lincoln, and the Tripoli of the new amphibious attack ship.

The U.S. Pacific Command said that this year's brave shield exercises will mobilize the US military forces in the entire Indo -Pacific region to improve the ability to quickly respond to crises and implement diverse tasks.

Military commentator Song Zhongping analyzed that although the Shield of Brave has always been characterized by the U.S. military as a normal exercise, the continuous improvement of its scale and strength is undoubtedly a concrete manifestation of the United States' implementation of the Indo -Pacific strategy.The Indo -Pacific strategy mentioned in the United States is clearly exposed to the purpose of curbing China.In this context, the increase in the scale and frequency of the brave shield will become a trend.On the one hand, the United States will test its military capabilities in the Indo -Pacific region through exercise; on the other hand, the United States also hopes to show the muscles from China and the countries in the Indo -Pacific region to show the United States.

Song Zhongping believes that in response to the large -scale military exercise in India, my country must pay enough attention, but more importantly is to do our own things.He played him, we developed us.At the same time, U.S. military exercises are also a good opportunity to observe its military scheduling and tactical warfare.

Beauty may be guided in Palau's deployment

The aforementioned CCTV article also mentioned that Palau, located near Guam, has risen positions in the U.S. Indo -Pacific layout.The Republic of Palau is located about 2100 kilometers southeast of China and is one of the portals entering Southeast Asia from the Pacific Ocean.

According to the data, as part of the brave shield exercise, the U.S. Army plans to perform real bombs of the Patriot anti -missile system on June 15th on June 15.Military expert Li Li disclosed to CCTV that Meimei will make Palau into the frontiers of the Pacific anti -missile and deploy high -frequency radar and radar groups in Palau.This deployment will fill the gap in the United States' defense in the southwest of Guam.

CCTV's article also pointed out that scholars at the US Think Tank Rand believe that the possibility of the United States deployed medium -range or medium -range missiles in Palau in the future.

Song Zhongping analyzed that from the perspective of distance and latitude, Palau's geographical strategic value is similar to Guam, and it is also located on the second island chain that is surrounded by China.The most important consideration in the United States is intended to be in the deployment of Palau's deployment or anti -missile forces. The most important consideration is to put eggs in different baskets.Because the U.S. military is very clear, with the ability of the People's Liberation Army Rocket Army, if the United States will be deployed in a small number of areas such as Kantashima, the United States will be destroyed by the PLA during the war, which is not good for the United States.In this context, the United States also disclosed earlier that it was intended to be deployed in Japan, South Korea, the Philippines and other places.But Japan, South Korea, and the Philippines are not positive.Because these countries are also very clear, if these offensive weapons are deployed, it will undoubtedly establish the country as China's military strike target during the war to ignite the upper body.On the other hand, Palau, for various reasons, its diplomatic and defense strategies are subject to the United States to a greater extent.

Song Zhongping said that the United States was extremely irresponsible. In order to maintain its own hegemony, he did not hesitate to establish other countries as the target of being hit, and he did not hesitate to bury the risk of tragedy in the people of other countries.From a strategic perspective, the United States' guidance or anti -missile system in Palau's deployment will undoubtedly bring objective threats to the PLA. The PLA needs to pay enough attention and make a plan for response.Because the distance of 2000 kilometers is within the scope of the medium -range missile, which can cover my country's coastal areas.But from the tactical perspective, you don't have to be too nervous.From the perspective of the technical level and quantity of medium -range missiles, the PLA undoubtedly has obvious advantages.The United States deployed and anti -directive forces in the Indo -Pacific region far from the local area. After all, its scale is limited and cannot shake the PLA's ability to stop refusal in the region in the region.These threatening targets during the war will face saturated attacks from various types of strikes of the PLA.

American leading the Pacific Army played at the end of the month

Zheng Zhijun noticed that in addition to the brave shield military exercise, the United States -led Rana Military exercise will be launched at the end of this month, with a total of 26 countries participating and unprecedented scale.This is the first Tourism Military exercise since President of the United States.

According to the data, the exercise in 2022 will involve 38 ships, 4 submarines, more than 170 aircraft and about 25,000 armed personnel, covering anti -submarine, anti -ship, air -made war and other topics.The U.S. Navy emphasized that in 2022, the Pacific Military Show will include all 4 member states and 5 South China Sea countries.

Special commentator Liu Heping accepted an interview with Shenzhen Satellite TV. Unlike in previous years, the Bayeng government has a very distinctive characteristic of the Pacific Army in the Pacific Army, which is to allow this military exerciseStrategic and serving.In addition, the first time the Military exercise was pulled in the island soup on the South Pacific.

According to public reports, China was invited to participate in the Pacific Military exercise in 2014 and 2016, but in 2018, the United States withdrew the invitation at the final convention on the grounds of continuous military expansion in the South China Sea.Lu Kang, then a spokesman for the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs, said that China carried out normal construction activities on its own territory and conducted normal military training. This is the right of sovereign countries.Unrealistic, it can only be futile.

For the United States to hold a large -scale military exercise in Western Pacific, Song Zhongping said that the United States's attempts to curb China are clearly exposed, but they don't have to be nervous.The most important thing in China is to do its own thing, and stabilize national strength and military strength according to its own pace.In addition, the United States has attracted many countries to participate in joint military exercises. These countries are not all American allies, and many of them have publicly stated that they are not in the Chinese and American election to choose a team.China will continue to expand the high level of opening up, strengthen the connection with other countries, and expand its circle of friends.

Information | Global Network CCTV et al.