[Global Times Special Reporter Chenyang] After the heavy weapons provided by the West have been in place, Ukraine has recently restored confidence in the future development of the Russian -Ukraine conflict.The New York Times said on the 22nd that in addition to the frequent trials of the Black Sea, Ukrainian officials also made it clear that they would launch a widely counterattack in Hermone in the south.Is the Urida really have a counterattack ability?Will the Russian conflict change suddenly in the future?

The first batch of German heavy artillery arrived in Ukraine

Germany Mirror Weekly said on the 22nd that German Defense Minister Landbrahte announced at the Federal House of Germany that the first 755mm self -propelled howitzers provided by Germany had arrived in Ukraine.At the same time, the German government also announced a complete list of military assistance provided and promised to Kiev.The artillery and technicians of the Ukrainian armed forces who received grenades in Germany have also returned to the Ukraine front.

The German Defense Minister's statement was confirmed by Ukraine.Ukrainian Defense Minister Leznikov announced on social media on the 21st that we have reinforcements!Hellip; Hellip; PZH2000 howitzer and Ukrainian technicians have joined the Ukrainian artillery force family.According to reports, because the ammunition of large -caliber artillery in the Soviet era in Ukraine inventory has been exhausted, and the Ukraine's artillery size is also obvious than the Russian army, the Ukraine government has always hoped that the West can provide more and better artillery.In May, the German government said that on the basis of providing 5 grenades to Ukraine in the Netherlands, 7 PZH2000 self -propelled howitzers will be provided.After receiving these heavy artillery, Leznikov praised the German Defense Director Langbretis and the Dutch Secretary of Defense Olongglun, and said that the delivery was an example of international cooperation to support Ukraine.

According to reports, the PZH2000 self -propelled howitzer is one of the most advanced large -caliber howitzers in the West. It is characterized by fast launch speed and high accuracy, which can attack the long -distance target densely.It can hit the target within 40 kilometers, and has the ability to withdraw and withdraw, and the battlefield has a strong maneuverability.The commander -in -chief of the Ukrainian armed forces said that it would use them on the battlefield with 100%efficiency.

However, just like other German -owned heavy weapons, although the PZH2000 self -propelled howitzer has advanced performance, use and maintenance require professional training.To this end, the Ukraine sent artillery and technicians to arrive in Germany on May 10th to receive training on PZH2000 howitzers. At present, these trainers have returned to the Ukraine front line.

The German Voice website said that the German government also announced the first complete list, listing various military equipment that has been planned to provide Ukraine.It is reported that the German government originally hesitated to provide heavy weapons to Ukraine. Even if it promised to deliver more modern weapon systems, Ukraine repeatedly complained that the speed of German weapons to reach Ukraine was too slow.According to the data released by the Ministry of Defense of Germany, in addition to 7 PZH2000 self -propelled howites, Germany also delivered 16 million bullets, 100,000 grenades, 14,900 anti -tank mines, 500 thorns air defense missiles and 2700 other models to Ukraine.Air defense missiles.In terms of non -fatal supplies, Germany offers 175 cars, 23,000 helmets, 10,000 sleeping bags, 1200 beds and 100 tents.

In addition, Germany also promised to provide cutting -edge weapons to Ukraine, including more advanced air defense missiles, armored troops, and long -range rocket launchers.It is reported that a portable air defense missile that Germany had previously provided Ukraine can deal with helicopters and other low -altitude flights, but it is not enough to threaten Russia's air advantages.Now Germany has promised to provide Iris-T air defense missiles, which is also the first remote air defense missile equipment provided by Germany to Ukraine.German Prime Minister Tsold claims that Iris-T is the country's most advanced air defense system.In addition, a spokesman for the German Ministry of Defense revealed that the first 15 cheetah hells will be shipped to Ukraine in July.The Forbes website said on the 21st that the German government also revealed that it has provided Ukraine with a group of MiG-29 fighter parts. They come from the original East German Air Force inventory that can ensure that the MiG-29 main fighter jet of the Ukrainian Air Force continues to riseAir combat.

There are many types of heavy weapons in the West, but the number is limited

Ukrainian Defense Minister Leznikov said that the PZH2000 grenades provided by Germany are the 6th 155mm artillery in the West to strengthen Ukrainian defense.Earlier, the Ukrainian army had received the US -ADAD M777 traction howitzer, the FH70 traction grenade provided by Italy, the M109 self -propelled howitzer provided by Norway, the AHS KRAB self -propelled howitzer, and the Caesar self -propelled howitzer.

On the 22nd, the US CNBC website listed a list of direct military assistance worth $ 5.6 billion provided by the United States to Ukraine. Among them, heavy weapons include 126 M777 grenade guns, 260,000 large -caliber shells and supporting hundreds of traction transport vehicles, 200 M113 M113Track armored vehicles and hundreds of high -powered multi -purpose wheeled armored vehicles, as well as several sets of Hamas multi -tube rocket launchers and fish fork anti -ship missiles.

The US military chairman MIDDOT; Miller said that the remote rocket launcher system provided by the United States and professional training received by Ukraine should help Ukraine gain advantages on the battlefield in the future battle.If they can use it correctly, they will have a very, very good effect on the battlefield.

The Associated Press said that a Ukrainian army rarely allows American journalists to contact the US -made M777 grenades guns that launch artillery shells to launch artillery shells at the Russian position.A Lieutenant U -Army praised the accuracy, shooting speed, simplicity of use, and the convenience of camouflage, and claimed that it inspired our spirit and lowered the anger of the enemy because they saw the consequences.

According to the American business inside story website, these long -range artillery provided by the West is more accurate than the large -caliber artillery used in the Russian army in the Wudong region. The deployment and evacuation positions are faster, and the range is far from most Russian artillery.The report also mentioned that satellite photos show that the Russian artillery shells often explode on the ground near the Treatment of the Ukraine, instead of exploding over the position.Stephen Middot, a military expert and a professor at the University of Columbia; Biddel said that in general, the precise air explosion in the shells can more effectively kill the soldiers in the trenches.Satellite photos show that the Russian army uses old -fashioned old ammunition.

But Bidel admits that the quantity itself is quality, and the old -fashioned artillery of the Russian army still has great destruction in large -scale use.Western experts estimate that the Russian army has invested thousands of large -caliber artillery in eastern Ukraine and has a wealth of shell reserves.Although there are many types of Western artillery in the Battlefield, the number of Ukraine is very limited.For example, Norway provides 22 M109 howitzers and France provides 6 Caesar's self -propelled howites. The number of M777 grenades provided by the United States is the largest, but it is only 126, and a considerable number of these Western artillery has been damaged during the artillery war.

The Ukraine did not put all these western artillery into the Wudong area where the war was tight. Instead, part of the artillery was transferred to the south, and the attack on Snake Island was participated in the attack.On the 20th, the M777 appeared in the Urpotaine's attack on Snake Island.There are also American experts that deploy the Haimas Rockets to the coast near Snake Island to participate in the offense.

In addition to stepping up to provide heavy ground equipment to Ukraine, Forbes website said that Slovakia is considering providing 12 MiG-29 fighters to Ukraine.However, the country demanded that NATO promises to protect its airspace as a prerequisite for sending these fighters to Ukraine.Poland and the Czech Air Force are considering expanding air patrols against Slovakia.

The short -term civil war is unlikely a major change

After receiving the assistance of a large number of heavy weapons in the West, Ukraine recovered confidence.The New York Times noticed on the 22nd that senior Ukrainian government officials have publicly called for the evacuation of hundreds of thousands of local residents living in southern Ukraine and being controlled by the Russian army, and asked them to prepare for another fierce battle, because Ukraine may be inWalked extensive counterattack in the south.

It is reported that Ukrainian Deputy Prime Minister Elena MiDdot; Weilestoke publicly appealed at the press conference: Please leave, because our army will definitely (re -) to occupy these land.If possible, leave there, especially if you have children.It is reported that it is unclear whether Ukraine will launch a broad offensive.Military analysts warn that Ukraine may take a few weeks to get enough weapons and ammunition to attack in the south.There are signs that Ukraine has been fighting a small -scale counterattack in the Herpson region in the south.

Since the progress of the war in eastern Ukraine is not good for the Ukraine, the Ukraine administration surprised the United States in the Ukrainian government about being preparing to open another front in the south.On the 23rd, the United States CNN specifically introduced the situation of Russia and Ukraine in the Rougosk region. It was admitted that the current situation was not good for the Ukraine side.Lixica is one of the last few cities controlled by the Ukraine in the Lugusk area, but the defense of the Ukraine is constantly weakening.If this is lost, the key to the other Ukraine defense near Lixica Sikh is also a heavy siege.

U.S. officials said that according to the analysis of intelligence experts, it is expected that the Russian army will occupy more territories in eastern Ukraine, because the current combat effectiveness of the Russian army is at its peak, and steadily progress has been made through fierce and high costs.The long -range artillery is still being delivered one after another.But it is difficult for both sides to obtain complete control in the region.In particular, the equipment and ammunition of the Russian army will gradually consume in bloody battles, while Western equipment introduced by the Ukraine is getting more and more advanced.

Western experts have different predictions on the future direction of Russia and Ukraine, but they do not think that major changes will occur in the short term.Former U.S. Army commander Frederick Middot; Hodgis said that the Russian -Ukraine conflict may last for several months.He optimisticly predicts that with the support of heavy artillery provided in the West, the Ukraine will gradually resist the advancement of the Russian army and start to reverse the war before the end of summer.War is a test of will, and the Ukraine has a stronger will.I see that Ukraine's logistics situation is getting better every week, and Russia's logistics situation will slowly deteriorate.They have no allies or friends.

Middot, Director of Russian Research, the Institute of Research Institute of Virginia; Coveman said: This is a critical period for both Russia and Ukraine. Both troops will be exhausted in the next two months.The Ukraine lacks equipment and ammunition, and the combat effectiveness of the Russian army is also seriously damaged. It is not suitable for long -term ground battles for such a scale.

However, some Western experts believe that Russia's current battlefield advantage may continue and make greater progress.Because of the cruel battlefield consumption, a large number of professional Ukraine soldiers died or injured, and the supplementary recruits were seriously lacking experience. Advanced weapons aid in the West were difficult to make up for the impact of the rapid decline of the quality of the Ukraine personnel.Analysts predict that after a large number of Western long -range artillery arrives in the battlefield, Russia may lose the technical advantage of the battlefield artillery, but it can strengthen frontline defense through mines and other defense measures to deal with Ukraine's counterattack.