Ukrainian war

Finland and Sweden have close cooperation with NATO, but they are not member states.Earlier, the two countries had never sought to join NATO, but after Russia launched "special military operations" to Ukraine, the two countries in favor of more than half of the people who joined NATO, reaching a historical high.

(Moscow Composite Electric) The Ukrainian crisis is prompted to move closer to NATO in the European neutralization of Finland and Sweden. Russia warns that the two countries should not join NATO, otherwise they may be retaliated.

The Second European Division of the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Beligayev, told the International Telecommunications Agency that Finland and Sweden did not participate in NATO is "important factor to ensure the security and stability of Northern Europe."

He warns that if these two countries do not join forces to join NATO, they may have military and political consequences.As for what consequences, Beligayev said that it is too early to discuss specific retaliation measures.

Ukraine has repeatedly stated that he hopes to join NATO, and one of the reasons given by Russian President Putin for his invasion of Ukraine last month was the eastward expansion of NATO, saying that the Russia constituted a security threat.

In response to the threat of Beligayev, Swedish Foreign Minister Linde said: "We reject this statement. Sweden's security policy is determined by Sweden. Russia has nothing to do with our independence decision."

The Finnish Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Russia, Eastern Europe, and Central Asia, Livara, also said: "As a sovereign country, Finland will make a security policy decision based on its own interests. For Finland, the opening policy of the portal opening of NATO is veryImportant.

Finland and Sweden have close cooperation with NATO, but not a member states.Earlier, the two countries had never sought to join NATO, but after Russia launched "special military operations" to Ukraine, the two countries in favor of more than half of the people who joined NATO, reaching a historical high.

Swedish Prime Minister Anderson's possibility of joining NATO for Sweden last week, saying that this may lead to further tension in Europe.However, in order to strengthen self -defense, Anderson said that Sweden hopes to increase national defense expenses.

Finnish President Ninito said that Finland will review security policies to decide whether to join NATO.This is another evaluation of the Finnish government after only 18 months, and Russia's invasion of Ukraine has made this evaluation more urgent.However, Ninito also showed that Finland was not in a hurry to make decisions.

Finnish shared the 1340 kilometers border with Russia.Two wars between the two countries between 1939 and 1944, which caused Finland to lose a large number of territories.As a result, many Finnish have traditionally been vigilant against Russia.

On the other hand, 27 countries including NATO member states, Finland and Sweden, today, will hold a "cold response" military exercise in Norway on April 1.Participating in the country will send 30,000 soldiers, 200 military planes and 50 warships to conduct drills below zero.This is also the largest exercise participating in NATO this year.

This exercise will be held only a few hundred kilometers away from the Russian border. Although it has been planned before Moscow's invasion of Ukraine, it is of great significance because of the war.

With this exercise, British Prime Minister Johnson held a summit in London and Nordic countries and Russia's Baltic neighbors today.

The British Prime Minister's Palace issued a statement that Johnson will convene the leaders of the Joint Expeditionary Force.This is a British, Denmark, Estonia, Iceland, Lativia, Lithuania, the Netherlands, the Netherlands, and Norway, which are focused on Nordic State.