
(Morning News) The South Korean military said on Tuesday (May 24) that the North Korean military was ready to conduct nuclear tests and missile launch.

Yonhap reported that Kim Junluo, the head of the bulletin chief of the joint staff headquarters of South Korea, said at a regular press conference of the Ministry of National Defense that South Korea and the United States were closely cooperating to carry out closely tracking and monitoring related trends.Han Jun maintained a solid defense.

There have been some views that North Korea may take strategic provocations during the visit to South Korea and Japan during the US President Bynden.

The US CNN (CNN) quoted information from the US intelligence department on May 17 that North Korea may fire intercontinental ballistic missiles within 48 to 96 hours.It is reported that the Korean army and the intelligence department also captured the movement of North Korea to launch intercontinental missiles and paid attention.

But North Korea has not yet published any comments by North Korea's joint statement to South Korea and the United States, and the trip to South Korea and Japan.

In view of Bayon's return to China on Tuesday night, and North Korea claims to be stable in the internal crown disease, the funeral of the North Korean Marshal Xuan Zhehai has also ended. Observed people believe that North Korea may be provoked at any time.