Ukraine War

Although Russian Foreign Minister Raftrov told Ukrainian during the talks, he had no right to stop fire or open a humanitarian corridor for 24 hours to let civilians escape the theater to negotiate, but he took over the two parties to take over the two sides.The further talks and the meeting of Russia and Ukraine opened the door.He said: "I hope it will become necessary at some time, but there must be preparations beforehand."

(London Reuters) Russia and Ukraine Foreign Ministers' negotiations on Thursday have no results, but analysis is analyzed, but analysisThe staff believes that the meeting was held, and it actually opened the window for the end of the Russia -Ukraine War.

Although Russian Foreign Minister Raferov told Ukrainian during the talks, he had no right to stop fire or open up a humanitarian corridor for 24 hours to let civilians escape the theater to negotiate, but he was a further talk and further talks for the two parties.The meeting of the President of Russia opened the door.He said: "I hope it will be necessary at some time, but there must be preparations beforehand."

Moscow's position seems to have softened recently.The Kremlin spokesman Peskov said that if Ukraine meets the requirements of Russia, the Russian side is willing to stop military operations at any time.The conditions listed by the Russian side seem to have shrunk compared with the beginning of the war. The focus is on the requirement of Ukraine to maintain a neutrality and Russian occupation zone.

Nevertheless, Russia continues to launch a military attack, including attacking a gynecological hospital in Marwal, and continuing to advance to Kiev.

French President Macron said on Thursday that the Russian army's "abuse" fatal weapons attacked the target of civilians. He was "worried and pessimistic" for this, and said that in the near future, Russia and Ukraine had difficulty in diplomatic solutions.

Analysts also believe that the road of negotiations is quite difficult, but the Russian offensive is not as expected as expected and the impact of Western economic sanctions on Russia, or it can provide opportunities for Russian Uda.

British expert: Putin faces the increasingly severe situation

British Royal Institute of International Affairs Eurasia Senior Researcher Peter Lov said: "Moscow is in this war.The position of the middle is weakened because they cannot implement the original plan ... For Putin, sanctions are terrible. It is destroying the Russian economy and affecting people around Putin. "

Peter Luoff pointed out that Putin is facing an increasingly severe situation, including the low morale of the army, not preparing for long -term battles, and the general believe that the invasion of Ukraine by Russian political elites is a tragic mistake.

Despite the pressure of domestic elites to compromise, Putin stated strongly on Thursday that the sanctions on Russia will rebound to the West itself, including the incense in the form of rising food and energy prices;To solve the problem by yourself, it eventually became stronger.

The former chief economist of the European Renaissance Development Bank, Gureyev, pointed out that Putin "If you think in a foreseeable future, he can be encircled and destroyed, and he may say that I will continue (military operations)."If this is the case, the EU should immediately decide to imitate the United States and the United States and prohibit Russia's oil imports.

Some analysts believe that both Russia and Ukraine show signs of compromise.El, deputy director of the Royal Institute of Royal British Army, pointed out that the conditions for adjustment of the Kremlin Palace show that Moscow is willing to give up the request to replace the Ukrainian leadership;All neighboring countries, as well as the United States, France, Germany and other countries signed a collective security agreement to ensure the security of Ukraine.

El said: "We have pushed this process from zero to at least possible talks, but the Russian army continued to advance to Kiev that the worst situation may be behind."