The Russian Ministry of Defense updated the war reported that the destroyer of the Ukraine's multi -air defense system was destroyed at night;

On March 24, the Russian Federal Ministry of Defense spokesman Igor Middot; Major Konarkov released the latest briefing of the Russian armed forces in the Ukraine Special Military Operation.Konarkov announced that since special military operations, the Russian army has destroyed a total of 1572 tanks and armored vehicles, 633 various types of artillery, 202 air defense systems, 160 multi -tube rocket launchers, 1379 various military vehicles, and 257 frames, and 257.UAV; the Russian army completely controlled the Ijim region of about 120 kilometers southeast of Halkov City on the morning of the 24th.

The Russian Ministry of Defense Youtube account has renewed several videos in the future, one of which shows the Russian army's lightning in Halkov

On the night of the 24th, the Russian air defense forces shot down two Ukraine drones in the old Marcovica area and Halkov in the northwestern part of Kiev.The Russian army dispatched tactical Air Force and Army Aviation. On the night of the 24th, a total of 60 Ukrainian military targets were destroyed, including 2 command points, 2 multi -tube rocket launchers, 4 ammunition warehouses, and 47 Ukraine weapons and equipment assembly points.

Yandex Maps on the Danilova area about 30 kilometers southwest of Kiev City, the Danilova area schematic, which is reported to the 96th air defense missile brigade of the Ukraine. Some air defense missile systems were destroyed without deployment.Try to intercept the Russian military drone

On the night of the 24th, the Russian army used sea -based and air -rays long -range high -precision weapons to strike multiple targets.About 30 kilometers southwest of Kiev's urban area, Danilovka, the Russian army destroyed 13 air defense missile systems, of which 9 sets were S-300, 4 sets of mountainsmaker-M1;At the Bacht area at 70 kilometers, a headquarters, missiles, and artillery ammunition storage were destroyed; it was indeed a temporary base of nationalist militants at 110 kilometers northeast of Donetz.

The Russian landing ship announced on the Facebook on social networking sites on the Facebook of Facebook was taken on the port of Buerjiang Sikh. Due to the picture such as killing and corpse in the same video, the Facebook operator marked the video as violence and not.Suitable for public display and folding

On the morning of the 24th, the Video of the Ukrainian Ministry of Defense showed that a 1171-type landing ship in the Port of Berljiang Sikhi by the Ya Sui was exploded.This is the only case of video evidence in the loss of the Russian warship after the war.Another video on the Internet shows that after the type 1171 landing ship exploded, a Russian 775 landing ship in the port area was evacuated.Earlier, the Russian air defense forces had intercepted a dot -U missile launched by the Ukraine in this port area.

The Black Air Force's screenshot on the 24th, compared to the previous spokesperson, there are various details information. The two days of the two days are much simple

The U -Air Army spokesman Yuri Middot; Ignat has not returned. Instead, the battle report was replaced by the Public Relations Office of the Ukrainian Armed Forces Air Force Command.The Ukraine Army said that the Russian army reduced the activity in Ukraine that day and increased the frequency of drones. One drone was hit by the Ukraine air defense missile;The bombers and 4 cruise missiles were destroyed.The Ukrainian army said that there were also their own planes patrolling, covering the troops, and carrying out a blow to the ground.

The Russian army found from the obtained documents that the cooperation network of US military biological experiments in U.S.

Konarkov said at the news meeting on the morning of the 24th that new evidence showed that the Pentagon directly participated in the research and development of Ukrainian biological weapons components.Konarkov mentioned that a pharmaceutical company signed with the Pentagon cooperated with the Ukrainian Ministry of Defense to conduct drug tests on Ukraine soldiers; the Pentagon's experimental project in Ukraine was designed to obtain new anthrax strains.

Igor Middot; Lieutenant General Kililov presided over Konatskkov on the evening of the 24th to host the press conference of the Russian Ministry of Defense that night

On the evening of the 24th, the news will be chaired by Lieutenant General Kirilov, the head of the Russian Nuclear Biochemical Defense Force, and briefing the analysis results of the U.S. military biological test activities in U.S. U.S. U.S. U.S. U.S. military biological test activities.The document can clearly obtain a network of cooperation with the U.S. government and the Ukrainian biological laboratory. The funders of these activities are closely related to the current leader of the United States, especially the son of Hunter Middot, the son of the US President Biden;Seneca Investment Fund, the fund has a close relationship with the U.S. contractor.

In addition, the scale of the United States' biological experimental projects in Ukraine is impressive. The International Development Agency, George Solos Foundation and the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention have directly participated in the implementation of the project.The National Laboratory of Los Alamos, the United States, also participated in technical support of these projects. The laboratory has participated in nuclear weapons research in the Manhattan plan.All these activities are carried out under the complete control of the Pentagon.

The Russian army has released video videos for civilians in many places, emphasizing humanitarian issues in the city of Chel Nigov

The Russian Ministry of Defense released news on the 24th that under the guard of the Russian forces and Donbas militia, the Russian army transported humanitarian supplies to the city center of Mary Upol and distributed thousands of food parcels for local civilians.And drinking water.In the outskirts of Chel Nigov, the Russian army not only distributed drinking water, food packages, children's food and sanitary products, but also providing medical services and necessary drugs for local civilians.The residents who intended to withdraw from the local residents were evacuated from the residents under the guard of the Russian military police.

On the 24th, the Russian Ministry of Defense released a screenshot of the video of humanitarian materials to the residents of Mali Ubol. The parcels distributed in the video have the words that do not give up their own people.Separation Siege

At the meeting on the humanitarian situation on the evening of the 24th, General Mizu Caifu, head of the Russian National Defense Command Center, said that the Russian army was in Kiev, Hermuson, Samsui, Chel Nigov and other places on the same day.A total of 110 tons of humanitarian supplies, including children's food and drugs; and on the morning of the 24th, the Russian army distributed the strength and distribution of materials.

On the 24th, the Russian Ministry of Defense released a screenshot to help the residents of Chel Nigiffe. Earlier, Ukrafe has rumored that a video of a video accusing the Russian army of killing local residents, but the Russian Ministry of Defense refuted that the Russian army had not yet entered the city to fight, and civilians were killed.What is done by Wufang

At the meeting, Mijin Caifu mentioned that in order to prevent residents from evacuating without authorization, the Chel Nigev military government ordered a car bridge that spans the Destina River to Kiev;Civilians were not treated after the armed elements occupied the hospital.Some people are required to withdraw from the military government and will be arrested by the radical or Ukraine department, and several people have been killed.