Ukrainian war

(Washington DC/ Kiev Comprehensive Television) At 11:15 last night in Singapore time, US President Biden announced that it will unite the European Union and the Seventh Kingdom Group (G7) to terminate the permanent normal trade relationship with Russia.Last night, Russian President Putin said that there were "some positive changes" with Ukraine.

After terminating the normal trade relations with Russia, the United States can increase tariffs on Russian imported goods.After the implementation of this measure, Russian companies will be classified as the same category as Cuba and Korean companies.The European Union has stated last week that it considers the cancellation of Russia's most beneficial national treatment.It is understood that Russia's trade dependence on the European Union is far greater than its to the United States. One -third of Russia was sold to the European Union, and its exports to the United States accounted for only 5%.On Tuesday, Biden had announced that it would immediately ban oil and energy from Russia.

Russia and Ukraine negotiations have appeared "positive changes"

According to the Russian International Telecommunications Agency, Putin was with President Luchen, President Luchen on Friday.The meeting meeting mentioned that "some positive changes" in Russia and Ukraine have appeared.Putin said: "Our negotiated officials told me that the negotiations have made some positive progress." He also said that the two sides are now negotiating almost every day, but he did not disclose the details.

Earlier yesterday, Russian Defense Minister Shoyago said that more than 16,000 Middle East volunteers hope to assist in the Russian troops in the Donbass region in the eastern part of Ukraine.Putin responded to this that allowed them to enter the battle zone.Putin also approved the suggestion of Shayg to transfer Western weapons seized in Ukraine to the troops of Donedsk and Lugusk.

On the Ukrainian battlefield, the Russian army is approaching Kiev.The British Ministry of Defense judged on Friday that the Russian army may launch a total attack within a few days.The latest satellite images of Max Technology in the United States show that the Russian troops in the north of Kiev have been re -deployed, and some are at a fire position under forest cover.Agence France -Presse also reported that some Russian armored vehicles drove to the northeast edge of the Kiev, only a few hundred meters away from the boundary of Kiev.Kiev Mayor Crecho said on Thursday that nearly half of the capital residents have fled since Russia began attacking the city.

Dnipro was attacked for the first time.The city's civilian facilities were shot by the Russian army on Friday morning. The local emergency department said that the city was hit three air strikes. A kindergarten, an apartment building, and a two -story shoe factory were hit.

The two cities in the west were hit in the early morning of Friday. The Russian Ministry of Defense stated that the Russian army launched a remote attack and destroyed the airports of Ivano Francovsk and Luzk.

In south of Ukraine, the Russian Ministry of Defense said on Friday that the pro -Russian forces captured the city of Volnovakha.The city is a portal leading to northern Maliwol and has important strategic significance.

Odessa on the Black Sea is also facing the threat. The mayor of the city pointed out that the Russian army is about to launch a operation and surrounds the third largest city in Ukraine.

In the past few days, Russia and Ukraine have stated that they will open a humanitarian corridor at several fierce locations.Yesterday, the Ukrainian President Zeleiski said that nearly 40,000 people were evacuated from five cities on Thursday, and nearly 100,000 people were out of trouble for a few days, but the city of Mali Ubol, which was besieged in the south, could not start the civilian evacuation work.Essence

The United Nations said on Friday that Russian warfire has forced more than 2.5 million Ukrainians to escape, and Ukraine escapes the war of war and is estimated to be as many as 2 million.Tas News reported on Friday that about 220,000 people fled to Russia.