(Morning News) The Interpol Organization refused to suspend Russia to visit its system and obtain global criminal data.

The Washington Post reported that the International Interpol with 195 member states issued a statement on Thursday (March 10) saying that maintaining neutrality is the "foundation" of its operation.Conflict, it also insists on maintaining neutrality.

According to the U.S. Department of Justice, Australia, Canada, Britain, the United States, and New Zealand, which are the Five -Eyes Alliance, requires Interpol for the Interpol to immediately suspend Russia's decision to visit the system.

The British Minister of Interior Patt refers to the actions of Russia's invasion of Ukraine. "It is a direct threat to personal security and international law enforcement cooperation." Patt said before that the Ukrainian government has demanded suspension of Russia's international criminal police organization membersQualifications refer to Britain's support for this initiative.

But the International Interpol Organization Secretariat said that its duties "do not include the release of sanctions or punishment measures."Many law enforcement leaders expressed concerns about the consequences of interrupt information sharing, and said that the war created favorable conditions for exploitation, trafficking, smuggling, and other criminal activities.

The International Interpol said that since 2022, nearly 60,000 information in its databases refer to data from Russia.