(Bloomberg, Washington) The National Intelligence Director's analysis report released by the Intelligence Committee of the House of Representatives in the United States House pointed out that China is developing the most powerful nuclear force for the past, and Russia will use all opportunities to destroy the United States and its allies.

The 31 -page analysis report also said that Iran will continue to threaten the interests of the United States and try to weaken the influence of the United States in the Middle East; North Korea will be committed to expanding its nuclear arsenal and ballistic missile development.

The report said: In the next year, the United States and its allies will face increasingly complex and interrelated global security environment. Among them, competition and conflicts in major powers will increase.And limited resources.

The annual analysis report of the National Intelligence Director represents the consensus reached by 17 intelligence agencies in the United States on the main threats facing the United States. Legislators and policy makers will make key decisions, promote legislation and write budgets accordingly.

However, the analysis report released on Monday was outdated because it was written before Russia invaded Ukraine last month. The content of the analysis report was based on available information as of January 21.Nevertheless, the analysis report warned that Russia was determined to dominate Ukraine and other countries in the short term, and at the same time did not want a direct conflict with the US military.

We evaluate that Moscow will continue to use a series of tools to promote its own interests or harm the interests of the United States and its allies.We predict that when Russia's interests are threatened, the expected action costs are very low, or it sees the opportunity to use power vacuum, Moscow will put itself in crisis.

The report also said that China will continue its largest nuclear expansion and diversification of nuclear arsenal, because Beijing is not interested in restricting its plans, nor will it agree to negotiate the advantages of the United States or Russia.