At 11 am Beijing time on February 24th, Russian President Putin announced that it would launch special military operations in the Basan area in the eastern part of Ukraine.Some analysts said that the Russian army advanced to Kiev, the capital of Ukraine in three directions.

At 6 am on February 25, Beijing time, the Kiev time entered February 25.Prior to this, the Russian Ministry of Defense has stated that all the tasks set on the 24th of the Russian Federal Armed Forces have been completed on the 24th.For many Ukrainians, this is a sleeping night.

According to the United States CNN (CNN), Ukrainian President Zelenezkiski time said on the evening of the 24th that Russia's destruction team has entered Kiev.Zelei Sky stated on the 25th that men aged 18 to 60 were banned from leaving Ukraine.

offensive and offensive

According to Reuters on the 24th, the Ukrainian army suffered three sides of Russia on the same day.According to BBC, Zelei Sky said that before the launch of the operation on the 24th, Russia had deployed nearly 200,000 troops and thousands of armed vehicles on the Ukrainian border.

According to the BBC, the Russian army took the lead in attacking Ukraine's military infrastructure and border defense forces.After being attacked, the Ukrainian army said that the Russian forces entered Ukraine from Halkov in northern Ukraine, Lugusk in the eastern cities, Crimea, and neighbor Belarus.

According to the analysis of the Peninsula TV Station, the three roads that the Russian army opened to Kiev included: through missile attacks, from the Eastern Donbass area, Halkov, Enipro and Crivik, and finally reached the capital Kiev;Open from the south, focusing the troops in the Hermuson area, which is adjacent to the Black Sea strategy, Odessa, and the Russian army launches bombing here. There are a large number of Russian forces in Belarus and Ukraine. This is northern Ukraine.The auxiliary distance is only about 200 kilometers.

After the Russian army initiated military operations, it frequently sued.On the early stage of the operation, the Russian Ministry of Defense said that the Ukraine Defense Forces did not resist the Russian forces, and the military infrastructure of the Ukrainian armed forces Air Force has been paralyzed, and the air defense forces of Ukrainian armed forces have been completely suppressed.

The Ukrainian government and the military emphasized that the country insisted on resistance, and the troops of both sides were in the opposition between offensive and offensive.According to Reuters, the Presidential Office consultant revealed that the Russian army occupied Chelnobelli, which is only 90 kilometers north of Kiev.

Antonov Airport, located 10 kilometers away from Kiev, located in the northwestern suburbs of Kiev. Antonov Airport, 10 kilometers away from Kiev, was in an offensive and defensive battle.Russian paratroopers fell here, and Russia later claimed to occupy the airport.However, according to 22:24 local time at Utong News Agency, Antonov Airport has been recaptured by the Ukraine.

Reuters pointed out that fierce fire occurred in Northeast Ukraine and Halkov, as well as the Hermuson region in the south.Kiev's five highway lanes in the west were blocked. Many Kiev residents fled because of fear of war, but trapped in the car.

The United Nations refugee agency said it is estimated that 100,000 Ukraine people are displaced.Thousands of people cross their neighbors, including Romania, Moldova, Poland and Hungary.

According to the Peninsula TV station, Ukraine believes that Russia tries to block Kiev and builds land channels leading to the Deinst River on the coast of Crimea and East Moldva on the southern coast of Ukraine.The Russian Ministry of Defense stated on the 24th that the Russian army jointly used assault forces and airborne forces in Crimea to open the channel for the Russian army to enter Hermuson, which enabled the North Crimi Asia Games to restore CrimeaWater supply on the peninsula.

Anonymous officials of the US Department of Defense said around 23:00 on February 24th at Kiev time that the Russian army had been close to Kiev and continued to convey to the Ukraine.The official also said that so far, Russia has launched more than 160 missiles to various goals in Ukraine.

According to Utong News Agency, at 20 o'clock on the 24th, the Russian army failed to break through the Donedsk line of East Wulin.On the 25th of the Kiev time, Zelei said that in the past day and night, a total of 137 Ukrainians died and 316 were injured.

According to CNN reported on the 24th, the Ukraine National Border Guard issued a statement on the 24th local time that the Russian army had occupied the Snake Island of Ukrainian Island in the Black Sea.The island is located about 32 kilometers south of the Ukrainian coast, playing a key role in determining the Ukraine's territorial waters.

CNN said that Kiev fell into silence and darkness late at night on the 24th, which was in sharp contrast to the sporadic explosion and air strike alerts during the day.The mayor of Kiev, Clechko, announced that Kiev was launched on the same day, from 10 pm to 7 am the next day.

A senior official of the US Department of Defense revealed on the 24th that the United States believes that Russia has not fully used their electronic combat capabilities.According to reports, the United States believes that Russia has the ability to cause major damage to cyber space; the United States has fallen into confrontation with Russia in terms of diplomatic and economic aspects in Ukraine. The United States is concerned that Russian hackers will take the recent means to harm the interests of US companies and the public.

Sanctions and anti -sanctions

After Russia launched special military operations, many western countries condemned and announced sanctions to Russia.

According to CCTV News on February 25, on the afternoon of February 24, local time in Britain, British Prime Minister Johnson announced that it had not seen a new round of sanctions on Russia's new round of sanctions.

Johnson announced that in addition to the sanctions confirmed by the British government on the 21st, another ten sanctions will be adopted, including Russian Foreign Trade Banks with a total of 154 billion pounds of asset -free asset frozen for all Russian banks;Legislation will be issued to prohibit all Russian companies from financing in the British market; sanctions on individuals, entities and their subsidiaries, including Russia's largest national defense company Russian National Technology Group (Rostec); the headquarters in Russia (Aeroflot) in Moscow will beIt was banned from entering the United Kingdom; immediately suspended the use of export licenses to Russia mdash; MDASH; for example, electrical components of military trucks; legislation as soon as possible, prohibit exporting a large number of high -tech products to Russia; consider introducing restrictions on Russian citizens' deposits in British bank accountsLegislation; cooperate with the G7 and NATO allies to close Russia's visit to the Global Bank of Financial Telecommunications Association Payment System (SWIFT); extend this series of measures to Belarus; considering the economic criminal bill, the bill will raise funds in the UK to raise funds in the UK.Russians take action.

On the 21st, the first round of sanctions announced by the British government for five Russian banks and three Russian billionaires, their assets have been frozen.

It is also reported that the US President Biden gave a speech on the Ukraine situation on the 24th on the 24th.Biden said Russia's assets in the United States will be frozen.Biden said that the United States will restrict the ability of Russia to use the US dollar, euro, British pounds and yen to do business; the United States will weaken Russia's ability to compete in the 21st century high -tech economy.The United States will impose sanctions on the Russian financial industry. A total of about $ 1 trillion of assets with sanctions will hold about $ 1 trillion in large Russian banks. The United States will immediately freeze the assets of Russia's second largest bank VTB.

The U.S. Treasury announced on the same day that sanctions were imposed on 24 Belarusian individuals and entities including the Secretary of Defense in Belarus because they supported and assisted Russia's military operations on Ukraine.The Biden government has stated that if Belarus allows Russia to attack Ukraine from its territory, it will face rapid and decisive sanctions.

CNN quoted the US Sources of the United States revealed that the Senate two parties had dialogue on discussions on the emergency bill, including assistance to Ukraine and more severe sanctions on Russia.

According to reports, Canada Prime Minister Trudeau said on the 24th that Canada strictly imposed severe sanctions on 58 Russian individuals and entities, including Russian elites and itsfamily.We will also sanction members of the Russian Security Council, including Minister of Defense, Minister of Finance and Minister of Justice, Trudeau.In addition, we will stop all export licenses to Russia and abolish existing permits, and immediately take effect.

According to the Peninsula TV Station, the European Union decided to take major sanctions on Russia, including frozen assets to stop Russia's entry into the European financial market.Feng Delin, the chairman of the European Commission, said that a package launched by the European Union will prevent Russia from entering the technology and market areas that are vital to Russia, thereby countermeasures to the strategic department of Russia's economy.

Although Britain decided to close Russia's visit to the Global Bank of Financial and Telecommunications Association Payment System (SWIFT), many EU sources told Reuters that Western countries are unlikely to agree to completely eliminate Russia from Swift.CNN said that the resistance from Germany and other countries was huge.

If Russia is eliminated from the SWIFT system, this will be one of the most severe non -military sanctions on the implementation of Western countries.According to the French Fergaro report, if the Russian bank is stripped out of the SWIFT system for the European Union or the United States, then it has to trade with foreign partners in the past traditional way, that is, through fax, and this, and this, and this, this is the way to fax.It will be a very time -consuming way.

According to the Russian satellite news agency, the Russian government said on February 24 that Russia has prepared measures to protect the financial markets and large Russian enterprises in front of sanctions and other threats.Stablize.On the 25th, the Central Bank of Russia said that the sanctioned Russian banks were still stable.

NATO operations do not enter Ukraine

Although NATO East Expansion is generally considered to be caused by Russia and Ukraine's confrontation, Ukraine is not a NATO allies, and the United States and other major European countries have repeatedly stated that they will not send troops to Ukraine.

According to CCTV news reports, on February 24, Biden said that the U.S. military will not fight against Russia in Ukraine, but will defend every inch of NATO's territory.Senior officials of the US Department of Defense revealed on the 24th that under the instructions of Biden, the US Minister of Defense Austin has ordered to send about 7,000 soldiers to Europe.The security of the allies prevents Russia from military operations.Relevant troops are expected to be departed in the next few days.

According to CNN, on the 24th, Trudeau participated in the G7 leaders meeting.Trudeau said that the Canadian government is working closely with NATO and other allies and support Ukraine.

According to a Peninsula TV station, French Foreign Minister Leadrion said on the 24th that Putin needs to realize that NATO is also a military alliance with nuclear weapons when making nuclear weapons threats.According to the Russian satellite news agency, the White House said that the threat of Russia's use of nuclear weapons has not increased.

The U.S. Media Washington Post reported on the 24th that NATO's new plans for the situation in Ukraine were very small.The US media New York Times reported on the 24th that Europe is formed a new conflict front line, and people are even mdash; mdash; effect should be questioned.

Many experts predict that Russia is likely to take over Ukraine, and its army will extend from the border between the Baltic Sea and Poland to Slovakia, Hungary and northern Romania, which will greatly increase the difficulty of defending its east wings in NATO.

According to reports, the former US official Ian Middot; Ian Lesser, who is responsible for non -profit organization in the Marshall Foundation in Germany, said: NATO has always focused on all these important and fashionable things, such as climate and network, which is withIts core responsibility has little relationship.But we forgot that there are some ruthless people outside, for them, foreign policy is a bloody movement.