Duty on duty, duty dutyElected officials wearing protective clothing and wearing eye -catching mirrors, coronary patients or voters who have been in contact with diagnosis patients must disinfect their hands and gloves before voting.Voters who are infected and isolated can walk or take the votes or ambulances arranged by the local government to vote in the isolation room.

(Seoul Comprehensive Electric) South Korean presidential election vote for early (March 4) under the crown disease epidemic. It is expected that millions of patients with crown diseases will beOr the close contact participating in the voting.Three presidential candidates also voted early yesterday.

The South Korean presidential election vote for two days in advance, and the voting time is 6 am to 6 pm.According to the Central Election Management Committee, 7.76735 of South Korea's 44.1977692 voters participated in the vote yesterday, with a voting rate of 17.57%, reaching a new high on the first day of early voting.

This is 5.87 percentage points higher than the first day of the premium voting on the previous presidential election. It has also reached the highest record of the first day of the national election on the first day of the national election since the first introduction of the early voting system for the early introduction of the local election in 2014.According to the current trend, the final voting rate will exceed 30%at the time of today.

There are currently more than 800,000 people in South Korea for home treatment, and nearly 800 patients are staying in the hospital for medical treatment in the hospital.Officials from the South Korean government and the Ministry of Health revised the election law last month, so that patients with crown disease can also participate in voting.

Officials on duty election wearing protective clothing and wearing eye care mirrors, crown patients or voters who have been in contact with diagnosis patients must disinfect their hands and gloves before voting.Voters who are infected and isolated can walk or take the votes or ambulances arranged by the local government to vote in the isolation room.They were arranged to participate in the voting on the second day of early voting and the day of the presidential election (March 9).

In the early days of the outbreak of the crown disease, South Korea successfully controlled the epidemic through active testing and tracking close contacts.Presidential election vote.South Korea has reached a new high in the past 24 hours, reaching 260,853.

The maximum of the party's national power party presidential candidate Yin Xiyue encouraged the infected disease and isolation voters to vote enthusiastically.He believes that of more than 40 million qualified voters, these diagnosis or isolation patients may account for at least 1 million.Yin Xiyue, the presidential candidate of the Democratic Party of the ruling party, Li Zaiming, and Shen Xiangzheng, the presidential party presidential party, and the current president Wen Zaiyin participated in early voting.

The voters will choose Wen Zaiyin's successor, which is limited by a term and may no longer seek re -election.Another presidential candidate of the Nathampite National Party, An Zhexiu, announced the withdrawal the day before yesterday, and changed to support Yin Xiyue for the election, adding variables for the current Korean presidential election.

Although the epidemic did not stop the presidential candidate from holding large -scale campaign rally, they all chose a "no contact" campaign.

Li Zaiming met with supporters in the open -air cinema.The National Power Party has launched mobile applications, allowing voters to watch Yin Xiyue's speech through online elections.

South Korea has held elections and local elections in the past two years. Patients with crown diseases must post their votes or vote at special voting stations in the hospital.At that time, there were hundreds of new cases every day, and now there are more than 200,000 new cases every day.Officials of the South Korean Central Epidemic Prevention Countermeasures said: "The current situation has changed hugely compared with the last election, and crown disease cases have surged. The political rights of these patients need to be protected."