(Morning News) The Ministry of Industry and Commercial Resources of the South Korean industry reported on Friday (March 4), and the South Korean government decided to list 49 entities specified by the US Department of Defense and other US defense in the list of Denial List.

Yonhap News Agency reported that after South Korea was listed as the US export control rules for the United States -after foreign direct product rules (FDPR) exemption objects, it was an extra adopted by the export control of the United States and other international communities.measure.

Earlier, the South Korean government has announced the cutting off strategic material plan for Russia.For physical export products and technologies included in the blacklist, even non -strategic materials must be approved by the government.

For electronics (semiconductors), computers, communications and information security, sensors and laser, marine, aviation and aviation electronics, aerospaceGet an informal list and revise the import and export notice of strategic materials.According to the amendment, enterprises must be approved by the government at the export of the above products.

The South Korean government predicts that after the export notice is revised, it takes about one month from the application to obtaining approval.The Ministry of Industry of South Korea said that if South Korea is not listed as the target of foreign direct product rules, it must be approved by the US government, which may take a few months.Based on this, Korean companies will save administrative costs and time, and uncertainty will also be eliminated.