The latest research report released by a US network security company in the United States stated that Chinese hackers have launched an attack on military and private organizations in many countries in Southeast Asia this year, especially those countries with similar territorial claims or strategic infrastructure projectsIt shows that there may be the participation of national forces behind the hacker attack.

According to Bloomberg, the research company of the US network security company "Recorded Future", Insikt Group, said that Malaysia, Indonesia and Vietnam are the top three target countries of hackers in the past nine months.In addition, hackers have aimed at the Philippines, Laos, Cambodia, Thailand, etc.

The report wrote: "These discovered hackers attack operations are almost definitely a key strategic goal to support the Chinese government, such as collecting information about countries involved in the South China Sea territorial disputes, or collecting and matching the" One Belt One Belt"All -way projects with strategic importance projects and national information".

The focus of hacking is the Office of the Prime Minister of Thailand and Malaysia, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Indonesia and Malaysia, and the military department.Insikt Group discovered more than 400 special servers in Southeast Asia to communicate with the attacked network, which may be related to the agent funded by the Chinese government.The report added that I do n’t know the specific data that might be obtained by hackers. The company attributes most of the activities to a entity funded by a Chinese government, named Threat Activity Group 16.

The report said, "We also found evidence that the Tag-16-related organizational Redfoxtrot Custom Capabilities" related to the Chinese People's Liberation Army.The reporter has notified all related countries in October.

In this regard, the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs spokesman Wang Wenbin said at a regular press conference held in Beijing on Thursday: "We resolutely oppose the false information for political purposes, mislead the international community, provoke other countries in other countries.Between relationships ".

Vietnamese Foreign Affairs spokesman Li Shiqiu Heng (transliterated from Le THI Thu Hang) did not comment on the specific details of the report, but at the online press conference on Thursday, the government "always" is always closePay attention to this, and has issued various guidelines, policies and measures to ensure network security and information security. "She added that Vietnam" is ready to cooperate with the international community on this issue. "

The Philippine Minister of Defense Delfin Lorenzana told reporters that he did not know whether the country's navy was attacked by any Internet recently and would ask intelligence officials to investigate the matter.