US intelligence agencies say that Saudi Arabia is actively developing homemade ballistic missiles with the assistance of China, which may cause major chain reactions throughout the Middle East region.

According to the US CNN reported on the 23rd of this month, three people familiar with the matter revealed that Saudi Arabia had purchased ballistic missiles from China in the past, but it has never been able to make its own missile until now.

The latest satellite images also show that Saudi Arabia currently builds missiles at least in one place, and the manufacturing of missiles is conducted by China.

The weapon experts and professors of the Midelbury Institute of International Research Institute, Lewis, believes that considering that the facility was built with the assistance of China, and the new intelligence assessment shows that Saudi Arabia has recently purchased sensitivity from China to China.The ballistic missile technology, so the missiles are designed by China.

The report quoted two people familiar with the matter, including the White House National Security Council's US officials in many institutions were told in recent months. Confidential intelligence showed that China and Saudi Arabia had carried out many major times.Large -scale sensitive ballistic missile technology transfer.

In response to the above news, a spokesman for the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs told CNN in a statement that Zhongsha is a "comprehensive strategic partner" and maintains friendly cooperation in all fields, including in the field of military trade.The statement also said that the above cooperation does not violate any international law, nor does it involve the diffusion of large -scale devastating weapons.

The White House National Security Council and the US Central Intelligence Agency refused to comment on this.

CNN reports that Iran is the main competitor of Saudi Arabia in the Middle East. If Saudi Arabia successfully develops and produces its own missiles, Iran may not agree to stop making missiles, which may cause major in the Middle East regionIn response to the chain reaction, the American Biden government's ambition to restrict Iran's nuclear weapons will become more difficult.