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(Morning News) A number of cities such as New York, Tel Aviv, Tokyo and other cities around the world held a demonstration for Russia's invasion of Ukraine.

Reuters reported that thousands of people gathered on Thursday (February 24) to protest outside the Embassy in Russia, Israel, Japan and other countries.There are also about 1,000 demonstrations in Russia.

The earliest protests appeared in the United States.At about 1 am Eastern Time on Thursday (Singapore time at 2 pm on Thursday time), it was only three hours after Russian President Putin announced that it would launch a special military operation in the Unthodon Bass region.Gathering.Dozens of demonstrators waved the Ukrainian flag and shouted "Stop Russia's aggression!"

In addition to the Washington Special Administrative Region, large demonstrations in American cities such as New York and Los Angeles also appeared.

In London, hundreds of demonstrators, including many Ukrainians gathered outside No. 10 Tangning Street, urged Britain to take more actions, and some were crying.

A demonstrator said: "We need assistance, we need someone to support us." Another demonstrator said: "Ukraine is too small, we face too much pressure."

In Paris, a demonstrator said: "I think we are in a very dangerous moment in the whole world."

Berne, Madrid, Spain, Berbas, the capital of LebaneseThere are also protests in the capital Prague and other places.

In Russia cities such as Moscow, St. Petersburg, and Yekaterinburg, hundreds of people also protested on the street, and some people holding "no war to war!"

The supervisors who protest OVD-INFO protesting the surveillance organization said that as of 7:39 pm on Thursday at the Standard time of Greenwich (Singapore time on Friday at 3:39 am, police in 53 cities have arrestedNo less than 1667 people.

According to Tas Society, in Russia, 600 demonstrators were arrested in Moscow.