China Electric Vehicle Battery Company Green Mondi said on Monday (January 4) that under the shortage of nickel ore, the company plans to double the shareholding in a nickel project in Indonesia to become the controlling shareholder to strengthen its nickel resources to nickel resources to nickel resources"Strategic Control".

According to Reuters, Greenmi said in the statement that according to a framework memo, the subordinate company Jingmen Greenmi has agreed with the partner of the Indonesian Morovari Industrial Park project to agree that Jingmen Greenmi will hold 36% from 36%Raise to 72%.

The financial conditions of memo have not been finalized and have not been announced to the public.It is not clear when the memo is implemented.

Stainless steel and nickel producer Aoyama Group of Green Misimi and Ningde Times, Akagong Industrial and Indonesian Economic and Trade Cooperation Zone Qingshan Park Development Co., Ltd. (IMIP) planned the project together in 2018.

Ningde Times, Hai Hingye, and IMIP have not responded to the request of the telephone review.Greenmi is unwilling to comment.