Military sources revealed that after a firing incident last week, the Chinese troops assigned to the China -India border area had raised the level of combat reserve to the second highest level, but decreased after the meeting between the two countries' foreign ministers.

According to the Hong Kong South China Morning Post today (16th), anonymous sources said that after the combat reserve level was raised to the second level, the Chinese military deployed more weapons and troops at the front line, and the number of training exercises for commanders, officers and soldiers, and soldiers also trained also.Increase.

The last time the Chinese military raised the level of combat reserve to the second level in the Sino -Indian border area, in 1987, when the two sides conflicted at the Sumdorong CHU.

The Chinese People's Liberation Army has four levels of combat reserve, and the highest level is used only when military leaders are confident that armed conflict broke out.

The Western theater of the Chinese People's Liberation Army accused the Indian Army of illegal provocation, and entered the Gonghu Mountain area of the south bank of the Gonghu of the West Section of China and India on the 7th.

According to the China Military Network, a spokesman for the western theater, Zhang Shuoli, said: In the operation, the Indian army threatened the patrol staff of the Chinese border forces who had negotiated before, and the Chinese border defense forces were forced to take countermeasures to stabilize the current situation.

Another source revealed that only after the Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi met with Indian Foreign Minister Su Jiesheng on the 10th, the Chinese military lowered the level of combat reserve.

However, the source also said that the level of combat reserve will restore the original level as the situation changes.