Fuhui [email protected]

Tokyo Special Commissioner

Southeast Asia with a population with a population of 660 million, of whichThe continuous expansion of the class is a high -growth market, including the demand for electric vehicles.Nikkei reported that electric vehicles in China and South Korea have landed on the head beach. If Japan's "coming out" is too slow, it is likely to be thrown behind.

According to the Nikkei report, whether it is Chinese or South Korean auto manufacturers, they are currently paving high -profile electric vehicle markets in Southeast Asia.In Indonesia, modern South Korea has recently established factories and is scheduled to produce electric vehicles in March.Although key parts mainly depend on imports, the group is also cooperating with the main electronics company LG Group in South Korea to build a mass -produced factory in a localized vehicle battery.

The development of Chinese electric vehicles in Southeast Asia has also attracted much attention.It is reported that SAIC Group and Great Wall Motors have begun to sell electric vehicles in Thailand.Great Wall Motor also acquired a local factory in the United States, and plans to produce electric vehicles from 2023.

Nikkei believes that compared with China and South Korea, Japanese car dealers currently have 80 % of the new car market in Southeast Asia, it is obviously not enough to sell electric vehicles.Until now, the topic of Japanese electric vehicles is only Toyota Motor Corporation and Mitsubishi Motor Corporation are considering setting up factories in Thailand.

Nikkei: It has not actively entered Southeast Asia because Japanese auto manufacturers are too cautious

According to the analysis of the Nikkei, Japanese car manufacturers have not actively entered the Southeast Asian market becauseToo cautious.First of all, most of them believe that Southeast Asian countries are not yet mature in environmental laws, and they cannot get rid of coal and natural gas power generation. Even with electric vehicles, they will not give up using traditional cars.Secondly, it takes time to build charging equipment, so it is still a plan to continue the production of gasoline and diesel cars in the Southeast Asia region.At present, most of them will promote the energy of electric vehicles in advanced European and American countries.

The report also pointed out that Southeast Asian countries have regarded electric vehicles as the driving force for the development of a new generation of industries. In order to grab the beach, China has built automobile charging equipment in Thailand.In the mall, "coming first and then arriving", I am afraid that Japan will not enter the market will lose its competitive advantage.