Some coronary vaccines were almost expired when they were sent to poor countries, and these poverty countries had to refuse to receive it.In December last year, there were more than 100 million vaccines refused by poor countries.

UNICEF uses its professional scientific specialty to deal with air transport vaccines for the global acquisition mechanism (COVAX) of the crown disease.So far, nearly 1 billion crown vaccines have been sent to nearly 150 countries under the mechanism.

Cadley, director of the supply department of the foundation, told the European Parliament on Thursday that there were more than 100 million doses of coronary vaccines in December last year.Relevant countries are unable to hurry to play before the deadline.She said that last year last year, the 15 million -dose of vaccines donated by the European Union was rejected, of which 75 % were the Astraikon vaccine with a shelf life of less than 10 weeks after delivery.

She pointed out that the remaining shelf life of the vaccine is too short is the bottleneck of the vaccine vaccination plan in some countries, especially in some vast regions to send the vaccine to remote areas.

Cardi also said that there are many countries asking for receipt after March this year, so that they can better cope with the pressure on refrigerated vaccines.In addition, many countries are hesitant to face vaccine in the face of the people, as well as the problem of overloading the medical system.

Scientific data analysis company Airfinity's analysis report on Thursday pointed out that most of the vaccines purchased by rich countries may be scrapped.The report pointed out that about 240 million doses of the US, Britain, Japan, Canada and the European Union are expected to be unable to come in handy before they expire in March.

By the time, if other countries that get these vaccines have not been able to vaccinate the people before the end of the shelf life, the vaccine that isted in vain is estimated to climb to 500 million doses.

The World Health Organization bluntly stated that rich countries occupy vaccines first, and then donate vaccines that are about to expire to poor countries, which is morally "shameful" behavior.

The goal set by the WTO earlier is that 40 % of the population vaccinated vaccine by the end of 2021; among 194 member states, 92 countries have failed to achieve their goals.

The WHD General Tan Desai said: "Most of the time, the vaccines obtained by low -income countries last year were limited; after that, the vaccines they got were about to expire;It is also one of the reasons for objects. "

WHO data shows that as of January this year, the average 64 % population of rich countries was completed, and the poor country had only 8 % of the population.

"Some of the supply restrictions we face last year began to relieve, but to achieve the goal of 70 % of the vaccination rate of all countries in mid -year this year, we still have a long way to go."