< /> < /> < /> < /> < /> < /> < />/p> The satellite pictures on July 8 showed that a building was burned by fire in the Natanz nuclear facilities.(Reuters)

(Morning News) Iran's nuclear institution began to build a new advanced centrifugal facilities to replace the Natanz nuclear facilities that was destroyed in July.

Agence France -Presse reported that Iranian atomic energy organized Chairman Salich Salich on Tuesday (8th) at the National Security and Foreign Policy Committee meeting of the Iranian Parliament: We decided to build a more modern and more spacious in the center of the mountain near the Natanz nuclear facilities., A more comprehensive centrifugal unit assembly hall, this work has begun.

Salich said: We have done preliminary work, including providing various devices and equipment required for advanced centrifugal laboratory.Corporation is a key equipment for refining nuclear fuel concentrated uranium.

Xinhua News Agency reported that the Natanz nuclear facilities are located in central Iran, built underground, covering an area of 100,000 square meters, and are one of the Iranian nuclear facilities supervised by the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA).On July 2, a fire broke out in the Natanz nuclear facilities, and the centrifugal unit assembly hall and some precision instruments were damaged.Iranian atomic energy organization subsequently stated that the fire was caused by deliberate damage and will announce the results of the investigation at the right time.

On July 6, Iranian atomic energy -organized spokesperson said that Iran will build a more advanced factory for Natanz nuclear facilities and be equipped with more advanced equipment to replace the original facilities.