China Defense Minister Wei Fenghe and Indian National Defense Minister Lajanat Middot; Singh met in Moscow on the 4th.Essence

According to Xinhua News Agency, Wei Feng, who is participating in the Shanghai Cooperation Organization, Independence State Unite, and the Collective Safety Treaty Member State Defense Minister of Defense, Moscow, and Singh, 4 on the 4th with Singh on the 4th.

Wei Fenghe said that the cause and truth of the current situation of the Sino -Indian border are very clear, and the responsibility is exactly in the Indian side.China's territory cannot be lost in one inch. The Chinese army is completely determined, capable, confident to maintain national sovereignty and territorial integrity.

Wei Fenghe also said that the two sides should solve the problem through dialogue.It is hoped that the Indian party strictly abides by a series of agreement agreements reached by the two parties, strengthens the control of front -line troops, will not cross the current actual control line for provocation, does not take any moves that may cause the situation to rise, and do not deliberately speculate and spread negative information.The two sides should focus on the general situation of relations between China and India and the regional peace and stability, and promote the current situation to cool down and relax as soon as possible.

Singh said that under the current situation, the peaceful and stable border is critical to bilateral relations. It should maintain smooth dialogue channels such as military and diplomacy such as military and diplomacy between the two sides and solve the problem through dialogue and negotiation.It is hoped that the two parties will take a responsible attitude to achieve the full departure of the front -line troops as soon as possible to avoid taking measures to upgrade or complicate the situation, not to make differences into disputes, and promote the relationship between the two countries and two armies to return to the right track as soon as possible.