The latest British research shows, crownsThe virus enters the air and will lose 90 % of the infectious power after 20 minutes.This means that wearing a mask and maintaining a social distance are more important than maintaining the air cycle.

The Guardian reported on Tuesday that this study led by Ryde, director of the Research Center of the University of Bristol University in the UK, found that after leaving the lungs rich in carbon dioxide, the infectious powerThe force will be greatly reduced and will eventually kill.

Ryde said: "People have always paid attention to the poor ventilation of their space, and they are worried that the virus can be passed on to the other end through the air in a few meters or one end of the room.You are close to others when you are the most risk. "

The virus lost half of the infectious power in five seconds in the office

The instruments can produce different quantities of virus particles, while strictly controlling the temperature, humidity, and light of the surrounding.Researchers observe the changes in virus particles over time.Ryde said that for researchers, "this is the first time that can simulate the transmission of gas -soluble gum in the process of real exhalation."

This study found that the speed of virus particles became dry depends on the humidity of the surrounding air.When the humidity is less than 50 %, similar to the air in the office, the virus will lose half of the infectious power in five seconds; then, the virus infectious power will be slowly down, and the infectious power in the following five minutes will weaken by 19 %.

Under 90 % humidity, in the air similar to the steam bathroom or shower room, the virus infectious power will slow down.About 52 % of virus particles still have infectious power after five minutes, and the infectious power after 20 minutes drops to about 10 %.

The temperature does not affect the virus spread

At the same time, the research found that the temperature will not affect the infectious power of the virus.The virus infectious perspective is different.At the beginning of the outbreak, some people have advocated that hot weather can kill the virus and end the epidemic.

Ryde said: "This means, if I have lunch with friends today, the main risk is that we are infecting each other, rather than someone passing the virus from the other end of the room."It shows that wearing a mask is very important when it is impossible to maintain a social distance.

Juliantang, a viralist at the University of Leicester University, said that the research of Ryde and others supports the point of view of epidemiologists, that is, wearing masks and maintaining social distance is an effective measure to prevent epidemic prevention and improve airThe cycle is also helpful.

Professor Griffin, a professor at the University of Liz, emphasized the importance of ventilation.He said that in the case of poor ventilation, gas solution will quickly fill the indoor space."Suppose those infected still stay in the room, and the virus amount naturally increases."