The report of the US -China Economic and Security Evaluation Committee reported on Thursday (July 2) quoted the point of view of former Indian officials that the recent Indian -China border conflict may be partly because the Chinese government is concerned about the relationship between India and the United States and the United States.This is part of Beijing trying to warn New Delhi not to form an alliance with Washington.

According to VOA, the report attributed the possible cause of the China -India border conflict on the construction of a strategic channel in India to support the troops stationed in Lajia. In recent years, China has also built a wide range of infrastructure along the River River coast.EssenceThe report quoted the former Foreign Secretary of India that a recent small conflict may also be that Beijing tried to warn New Delhi not to allocate alliance with Washington.

Since 2013, China and India have made five major disputes along the actual control line (LAC).The major conflict on the Indian -China border was in 1987, but there was no casualties record.