(Geneva Comprehensive) U.S. and Russia held talks on the Ukrainian situation in Geneva, Switzerland, Sunday, and Russia will seek a widely new security arrangement with the West.matter.

Since the end of last year, the situation in the border areas of Russia and Ukraine has become increasingly tense.Russia has deployed nearly 100,000 troops in the Russian -Ukraine border region, requiring NATO to guarantee that it will not be expanded eastward or more bases in Ukraine.This week, Russia, the United States and Russia held talks to seek control of the situation in Ukraine.The Russian and American talks were officially held on Monday in Geneva. The two sides participated in work dinner on behalf of the US Deputy Secretary of State Sherman and Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Riabukov Sunday.

U.S. Secretary of State Broskented on Friday to reprimand Moscow's request as "qi" and stated that as long as Russia "pointed at Ukraine's head", the negotiations will not make progress.

He said: "We are going to respond strongly on further aggression in Russia, but if Russia chooses diplomatic channels, diplomatic solutions are also feasible and best."

Riabkov said on Saturday that Russia will not make any concessions to the United States in talks about Ukraine and Europe, and also says that Russia is disappointed in the past few days.

U.S. President Biden warned that Russia's invasion of Ukraine would face serious consequences.The retaliation operations that the United States and Europe may consider include the core circle of sanctioning Russian President Putin, cancel the Russian Beixi Pipeline to Germany, or cut off the connection between Russia and the international financial system in the most intense case.Washington may also send troops to NATO member states such as Poland and Baltic countries.

NATO 30 foreign ministers held a special meeting on Friday to show that unity and unity opposition to Russia's military operations against Ukraine and warned that "any further provocative behavior against Ukraine will bring serious consequences. Russia will do this for this.Pay a heavy price.

Senior White House officials who do not want to be named said on Saturday that the United States is preparing to discuss with Russia to make compromise arrangements for each other, including deploying missile systems and military exercises in Ukraine."Russia said that the prospect of deploying the offensive missile system in Ukraine made it threatened ... The United States did not intend to do this. Therefore, this is an area where we may be able to understand, as long as Russia is willing to make a promise of equal."

However, an unknown U.S. government official said that the United States is unwilling to discuss restrictions on the deployment of the U.S. military or the US military in NATO.

On the other hand, White House sources revealed that the US government and allies are discussing export controls on Russia, including prohibiting exports of sensitive technology and electronic products to Russia to stop Russia's further referring to Ukraine.The affected areas may include aircraft aviation electronic equipment, mechanical tools, smartphones, game consoles, tablet computers and televisions; some operations may cause Russia to face the same strict export control as Cuba, Iran, North Korea, and Syria.

After the U.S. Russian talks, Russia will hold talks with NATO on Wednesday in Brussels on Wednesday. This is the first meeting between the two sides since July 2019.