SHAOQUETT MOSELMANE, a member of the Labor Party of NSW, Australia, was suspected of being a Chinese spy suspect. His home and office were searched by police and security intelligence organization last week.

According to the Australian Broadcasting Corporation (ABC), agents of the Chinese government have penetrated into Mosoman's office staff.However, Morsoman denied that he was a suspect in a spy investigation and said he was cooperating with the investigation.

Since being elected in 2009, Mosoman has been a senator of the NSW Parliament.But just after a raid search last week, the Labor Party stopped Mosoman's party.

Mosoman said: "The survey is clearly targeted at other people. It is said that it is said to be implemented in order to achieve the purpose of a foreign government. The government is China ... I am not sure of those purposesWhat. "

reported that if this survey caused charges, then this will be the first legal lawsuit initiated by the Australian Anti -Foreign Intervention Law for individuals.

The Australian Congress passed the Anti -Foreign Intervention Law in 2018 and established an anti -foreign interference working group at the end of 2019.The organization is led by a senior official of the Australian Security Intelligence Organization, including investigators of the federal police station and a series of security institutions.

The establishment of this working group is dueThe secondary network attack.?