Recently, India and Pakistan have frequently overfire near the Kashmir solid control line.On the 22nd local time, another Indian soldier was killed in the fire of both sides.Indian media said that this was the Indian soldier killed by the Pakistani army since June.

The Indian Express reported on the 23rd quoted the Indian Ministry of Defense spokesperson Dovedot; Colonel Aande said that the Indian army broke out fiercely the morning before the morning, and even used a mortar.Karki was severely injured in the shells, and then died of injuries.

At the same time, Karki's Indian soldiers were killed by the Pakistani army since this month.

On the evening of the 20th, India and Pakistan also had the same fire once.The Pakistani military said that India violated the fire -fire agreement to fire on the Kashmir region and caused a 13 -year -old girl to die, and then the Pakistani army effectively responded to India's attack.India has accused Pakistan accusing Pakistan using mortars to attack the Indian side of the real control line and killed 5 Indian civilians.This intercourse caused a total of 6 deaths and 2 injuries on both sides.

In the past month, India has continued to conflict with its neighbors: shelling against the Kashmir area; violating promises in the Laowan Valley area of the China -India border, leaving the line and launching provocations without authorization;Highways were completed and caused strong protests in Nepal.

In response to India's act of ignition, Pakistani Foreign Minister Kurihe said on the 14th of this month that he hoped that India would provide better services for poor people in the country, oppressed, and ethnic minorities instead of provoking border disputes with each neighboring country.It looks like an expander.

In January of this year, Geng Shuang, then a spokesman for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs, said that the problem of Kashmir was a controversy left over from history. It should be properly resolved in a peaceful way in accordance with the UN Charter, the relevant Security Council resolutions and bilateral agreements.