US Secretary of State Brillin warningKazakhs Kazakhs asked Russia to send troops to assist in local riots to create trouble for themselves, because after giving Russia's help, it may be difficult for Kazakhs to stop Russia in the future.He said: "Once the Russians have entered the house, it is difficult to drive them away."

Sending troops to local stability has attracted deep attention from the United States.U.S. Secretary of State Brills warned on Friday that Kazakhs asked Russia to send troops to assist in local riots to create trouble for themselves, because after giving Russian help, Kazakhs may be difficult to stop Russia's influence in the future.

Brinken told reporters: "A lesson brought by modern history is that once the Russians have entered the house, it is difficult to drive them away."

He thinks KazakhThe government can control the situation. "The Kazakh authorities and the government must have the ability to deal with it. On the one hand, they should deal with the demonstrations of the demonstrations, take care of the rights of demonstrators, and maintain the country's rule of law at the same time.H3> Premier Prime Minister

Brincayan once again called on Kazakhs to respect the freedom of peaceful demonstrators and media and stop blocking the Internet."We are very concerned about the development of the situation and urges all parties to seek peaceful solutions." The State Department of the United States has announced that the non -necessary personnel and family members of the US Consulate in Alamu on Friday night have left.

The Kazakh authorities have detained the former chairman of the National Security Council Masimov and other officials on Saturday, but did not announce the details.

Masimov has been dismissed after a violent demonstration in Kazakh.He has been the Prime Minister twice as a close ally of the former President Nazarbayev.Nazarbayev was a strong native of Kazakhstan. Before he resigned as president in 2019, he took power for 30 years. Although he retired to the second line, he continued to affect important national decisions.Although the Kazakh people also pointed their fingers to Nazarbayev because of the soaring demonstration of fuel prices.

President Kazakh President refused to negotiate with the demonstrators that foreign forces provoked riots

Kazakh President Toccayev's attitude, making conversations to the whole country on Friday, indicating that it shows that on FridayRefuse to negotiate with demonstrators.Takayev said that Almaty was attacked by "20,000 bandits". They had a set of "clear attack plans, coordinated operations and strong combat power."

He refers to the riots of foreign forces. "They are militants and trained bandits, there are local and foreigners. These people must be eliminated. This will be completed soon."

Tocaev's "especially thanks" Russian President Putin sent troops to assist in calming the riots, saying that most regions have restored order.The Kremlin spokesman Peskov said Putin and Tocaev made several calls several times recently to discuss the situation of Kazakhstan.The number of Russian troops is still unclear, but the Moscow media estimates that the number of Russian soldiers is less than 5,000.

Xi Jinping: China is willing to help Kazakhs for crossing difficulties

According to Xinhua News Agency, Chinese President Xi Jinping sent to Tocaev on FridayDuring the message, it was said that it resolutely opposed any forces to destroy the stability and security of Kazakhstan, and resolutely opposed external forces to deliberately make turmoil in Kazakhstan.

Xi Jinping said that no matter what risks and challenges encounter, China is a trusted friend and a heavy partner of Kazakhstan.China is willing to do everything to provide necessary support to Kazakhstan to help Kazakhstan cross the difficulty.

In addition, Bloomberg analyzed that Putin's disciplinary troops would assist in reversing the situation of Kazakhstan in less than a day.Essence

Lukianov, the chairman of the Council of Consultation for the Kremlin, pointed out that the development of the situation was unexpected, but at the time, Russia was about to hold talks with the United States.

Lukianov said: "Russia has reminded several times that it is capable of deciding quickly in the military and political field, and does not play cards according to cards, which will affect Russia as an incident in important areas that occur in important areas."