As of 12:00 on January 7, Beijing time, the latest statistical data released by Johnz Middot; Hopkins University showed that the world's new crown diagnosis has exceeded 300 million, and the number of cumulative infections has just passed five months.

In 2022, the world's largest uncertainty was in the third year of the new crown epidemic.Many experts believe that after the appearance of Omircor's variant, the new coronal virus has become the most contagious virus encountered by humans in the past century.People in many places are destined to spend another difficult winter.

On the one hand, the start of this year seems to be more difficult MDASH; MDASH; the number of new crown cases is surging in many countries, forcing some countries to return to the blockade and strict social control measures.The system is undergoing another wave of heavy pressure.

On the other hand, the popular response strategy of the new crowns has been huge different from the beginning of 2020.With three years of epidemic, people have reason to feel tired, burnout and discouraged.We also have more reason to have hope.Today we have enough masks and better treatments, and there are vaccines that can still protect us from serious diseases.

But as a society as a whole, we still have not learned enough lessons from the past two years.

Some public health experts said that it is impossible to eliminate the new coronal virus and it will always be with us.More importantly, we must determine what our goal is.The world must find a way to keep the epidemic at acceptable level.

If the current epidemic is developed, in the next few weeks to months, the world will experience the dark moment since the new crown epidemic.Many countries will go through the process of surging supersonic surge in cases.We don't know how many people will be hospitalized, but this will be a large number.Then this wave of epidemic will begin to decline like a few waves in the past.The huge number of infected people will cause immunity because of this, but at the same time, tens of thousands of people will die in this wave of epidemic.

When will the new crown epidemic end end?Even if the strain like Omikon appears, the problem becomes complicated, but maybe we should start thinking: how can the world learn to coexist if this virus does not disappear?

New crown patients in a hospital in the United States.

The impact of the new crown exceeds 1918 Big Influenza

I have given up the impact of predicting the popularity of the new crown on the future.David Jones, a professor of medical history and culture at Harvard University, said, saying that I really don't know what I was looking forward to in 2022.

In April 2020, Jones told Peng Mei News at that time when the global global diagnosis was confirmed that the scale of the new crown epidemic was more than 1918.

Two years later, he confirmed that there are sufficient reasons to believe that the new crown epidemic will have a longer -lasting impact on human society (even if the total mortality of large flu is much higher).

The large influenza in 1918 only affects most cities in the world for several months.However, it has been more than two years since the world has experienced new crowns.

At the beginning of the New Year, the United States once again fell into a vortex of outbreak.

Johns Middot; Hopkins University's data showed that more than 1.08 million new crown cases reported on January 4.This number has set a new record for a single day in a single country in the world.

However, the number of cases announced by the US government does not include many personal results that are positive at home, which means that the above numbers must be significantly underestimated in the real situation.

European and American countries represented by the United States are currently a epidemic in this wave of Omikon variants.In the past week, many countries around the world have also reached a surge in cases since the epidemic occurred.

The latest report released by the WHO on January 6 states that 9.5 million cases have been added worldwide in the past week.Among them, the UK has added up to 220,000 a day, France exceeds 330,000, and Italy exceeds 170,000.Canada, Australia, Brazil, Argentina, Israel, Thailand, Japan, from Europe to the Americas to many Asian countries have set a record.Among them, in the South Asian population, India, India, has also begun to appear.

The new wave of global epidemic tsunami is turbulent, but some experts believe that the increasingly amazing number of new case numbers are gradually losing meaning. Instead, people should focus on whether the number of people in hospitalization and severe deaths should rise.

However, the answer about the latter is still unclear globally.

In South Africa, who was the earliest Omikon epidemic, Professor Cheryl Cohen, who was in the Institute of Infectious Diseases (NICD), told Peng Mei News that the risk and risk and risk of patients in the epidemic caused by Omikon in South Africa were mainly caused by Omikon.The previous Delta strains were reduced by 80%compared to, but once they were hospitalized, the risk of severe illnesses was almost different.

According to the latest data from the US Department of Health and Public Services, nearly 120,000 people are currently hospitalized for new crowns. This is the first time that the number of residents in the United States has exceeded the 100,000 mark in the past 4 months.At this time, during the peak of the epidemic situation caused by the Delta variant, there were more than 142,000 inpatient cases in the country, which is still the highest record so far.

Unlike before, the number of children in children in the United States has increased.According to data released by the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the Ministry of Health, the number of hospitals last week reached a record high, or it was related to the low vaccine rate of this group.

Data show that inpatient patients are mainly people who have not vaccinated vaccines.According to the latest data of CDC, adult hospitalization rates who have not vaccinated vaccines are about 8 times higher, and the hospitalization rate of minors from 12 to 17 years old who has not vaccinated vaccines is about 10 times higher.

The good news is that the condition of most patients is not as serious as the previous epidemic peak.The use rate of intensive care unit (ICU) ward is reduced, and most patients do not need to give ventilator oxygen.However, the pressure of a large number of patients still force the hospital to reduce non -emergency surgery and close other ward by large -scale reduction in hospitals, which has continued to have a serious impact on patients other than the new crown.

At the first press conference of the New Year on January 6, the Director -General of the WHO Tan Dezai pointed out that people are anxious to treat the Omikon variant as a trap mdash; mdash;The symptoms of Ke Rong's infected persons ignore another MDash; MDASH; because of a gentle but more contagious virus quickly spread, it will eventually lead to more people's hospitalization and death.Scientists still have not fully figured out whether the Omircor variants are infected whether they are infected with vaccines and no immunity, and they are more toxic in essence.

The fact is that under the tsunami -like wave of new cases, even if the overall hospitalization rate caused by Omikon variants is lower than Delta, the number of hospitalizations is still surging, and the medical system is easily overwhelmed.

This situation has occurred in the United States with the most developed medical system in the world.

The biggest problem currently facing the United States is the shortage of medical staff under the long -term pressure of medical systems.The investigation of Atlantic Magazine stated that in all parts of the United States, batch medical staff resigned or ill, bringing more work to those who stayed.Many hospitals are on the edge of collapse and make them unable to provide even the most basic medical services.

In the same situation, Europe is also happening.

The latest official data show that there are more than 17,000 new crown patients in England Hospital, which is still lower than the 40,000 during the peak of last year.More than 20,000 people in France have been hospitalized, and this number has been steadily rising for several weeks.13,000 people in Italy were hospitalized (excluding intensive care patients).

It is unclear at present. As Omicor's infection has been infected for more years and more vulnerable people, will the number of hospitalizations continue to increase significantly, or the new crowns will be strengthened.A large amount of needle vaccination is sufficient to protect them.

However, the next 4 to 6 weeks will be the most challenging period in the new crowns so far. The huge number of large cases and tight medical system tensions of supersonic speed will be severely tested.

Social lack of work

After two years of exhausted, people all over the world have never wanted to find a way to find a normal life under the new crown epidemic.

However, it is not easy to find this balance point, because the popularity of the new crown has reached the most complicated stage of various contradictions and conflicts.

As we enter the third year of popularity, various factors will inevitably become more and more complicated.In the United Kingdom, at the beginning, it was an emergency, dominated by clinical sciences, and has now mixed with people's behaviors on blocking fatigue. Coupled with wider political differences MDASH; mdash;Develop the choice between the economy.Danny Altmann, a professor of immunology at the London Empire Institute of Technology, told Surging News.

Aldman said he was most worried about lack of sufficient response in school.With the return of students in the school, there may be more cases of Omikon in the adolescents.

This is also the focus of policies and health authorities in various countries.

On January 3rd, schools across the United States after the New Year caused concerns about further spread of the epidemic.

Many schools found themselves between teachers who are afraid of infection and parents who want their children to class.This week, 2,700 schools across the United States delayed the start of school.Other schools maintain the original plan.Because more and more Americans believe that continuing to face face -to -face curriculum teaching with the virus is the best for children.

In the future, an inevitable problem is that as the number of infections grows in an exponential outbreak, a large number of people will get sick and leave leave, which will cause continuous work tensions.The high infection rate and the shortage of workers generated by this will bring a heavy burden on employers from all walks of life.

During the Christmas and New Year's Day holiday just past, tens of thousands of flights around the world were canceled because there were not enough employees; many companies put on hold on the resumption plan; it was even worse for the service industry and tourism industry that had been repeatedly created.

This situation is the most serious in the medical field.Since the beginning of the epidemic, medical staff from all over the world have been exhausted because of the two -year epidemic.Today, as the Omikon variants have spread rapidly, more and more hospitals are facing serious manual shortages.A doctor in the United States said that now their hospitals basically change a batch of isolated MDash; MDASH; people who areolate (end) are replaced by another group of infected people.

The same problem has also appeared in the UK.The British NHS Medical System and Nursing Home Nursing Operation Department had a serious shortage of personnel on the front. More than 90 elderly nursing institutions have announced a red alarm.

In the end, the labor shortage caused by the epidemic may further push up the global inflation phenomenon of signs.This will be shrouded in shadow again for the global economic prospects in 2022.

The complex attitude of governments of various countries

Under severe epidemic, the reactions and measures taken by governments of various countries are different.

In the United States, the surge in the epidemic prompt authorities to revise public health measures.Last week, the US CDC shortened the proposed new crown patients from 10 days to 5 days.But this modification has been criticized by many public health experts, questioning whether this change of CDC is due to scientific reasons or social pressure?

Government officials at all levels of the United States are also different.President Biden once again emphasized vaccination in his speech on January 4.Eric Adams, the mayor of New York City, who has just sworn in, told New York citizens in New York, who are soaring in the infection rate and will continue to keep it open and will not be controlled by crisis; while the Democratic New York State Governor Casey, Casey, also Democratic PartyMiddot; Kathy Hochul warned that this winter will be bad.

British Prime Minister Johnson said this week that Britain can survive this wave of Omikdon infection without closing the economy and not changing existing epidemic prevention measures.Johnson said he would insist on Plan B in England last month; MDASH; MDASH; wearing masks in public transportation and shops, but did not restrict the party or shut down companies.

However, he also admits that in the next few weeks, it will be full of challenges. It is inevitable that certain services will be interrupted due to the absence of employees in the United Kingdom or around the world.

With the continuous increase in cases, different countries have chosen different response strategies: Italy, France, Greece, and Spain have recently reported the number of infected people, but unlike before, they did not restore strict blockade measures.In Germany, despite the rapid increase in cases, the government expressed his hope to allow more people to vaccinate as much as possible instead of shutting down social operations.

Israel, which responded to the epidemic in the world, has begun to vaccine nationwide.The Israeli government said on January 3 that the country will resume from foreigners with immunity (vaccine or infected recovery) from countries considered medium -risk countries considering in middle -risk countries from next week.This means that the travel ban implemented when the Omikon variants appeared at the end of November last year.

Other countries still maintain tightening measures.The Netherlands and Austria still maintained the blockade measures and further stepped up; the new crown epidemic in Japan is rapidly expanding recently.Japanese Prime Minister Kishida Wenxiong said on the 4th that in order to cope with the increase in the number of Omikon virus infected, the government will consider canceling the policy of canceling the Omikon virus infection.Requires home observation and treatment.

Rochelle Walensky, director of the US CDC, has a very representative statement: We hope to ensure that there is a mechanism that allows us to keep social operations safely while following scientific epidemic prevention.Although the Omecko variant is highly contagious, it seems not as serious as the previous strains.Despite a record of records, the government will still strive to keep its economy as the hospitalization rate and mortality rate decrease.

Israeli enters the country with open vaccine.

What is Omikon?

The epidemic will eventually end, even if the emergence of Omikon is complicated when the epidemic ended.

At a certain time in the future, the World Health Organization has fully controlled the new crown epidemic mdash; or at least when the number of hospitalizations and deaths has fully controlled the new crown epidemic.But how much this threshold will be unclear.

How many new crown cases and deaths in this world can eventually become a social problem to a large extent, and it is no longer a medical problem.

Many experts believe that a possible scene in the future is: in the late period of popularity, the virus will cause some people to be infected, and others will have more serious diseases. This depends on their overall health status, vaccination status and previous infection.EssenceThe virus will continue to change, and it may eventually be updated from time to time to better match the new mutant reinforcement vaccine.

The ideal situation is: one day someone infected the new coronal virus. As long as you stay at home for two to three days, you can continue your work and life.However, will the arrival of Omikonian virus flu?The current conclusion is too early.

Take the United States as an example, the new crown virus in the past twoDori took more than 800,000 people's lives, and the number of people who died of influenza viruses each year between 12,000 and 52,000.The mortality rate of the new crown virus is still too high.Whether Omikon will change this trend still remains to be observed.

The new crown epidemic has been changing, and we need to continuously re-evaluate the host-pathogen relationship.Now it is entering a long and slow consumption war. In the end, as the world reaches sufficient vaccine coverage, the epidemic will gradually end.Before everyone is safe, no one is the point of safety.From the perspective of biology, the possibility of more new variants in the future may be real, but the speed of virus variation will gradually slow down and turn to a gentle variant.Aldman told Surging News.

It is certain that the new coronal virus does not disappear magically.Middot, the person in charge of the Evergreen of the WHO; Dr. Ryan said at a press conference on the 4th that the idea of guessing Omikon may be the last new crown

The General Manager of the WHD once again emphasized that if the vaccine cannot be fair and popular globally, it is only time for the next new variant to continue to produce the next new variant.