(Morning News) The White House said that President Biden will commemorate the first anniversary of the parliamentary building on Thursday (January 6)."Single responsibility".

According to Reuters, Biden and Vice President Harris will speak on the US Congress Building on Thursday morning on Thursday morning.One year ago, Trump's loyal supporters broke into the parliamentary building and led to life casualties.

The White House press secretary Puski said that Bayeng "will state the significance of the Capitol House incident on Thursday, and President Trump's single responsibility for the riots and killing we see.Dengjun's strong back to the lies spread by the president before, these lie tried to mislead the American people and his own supporters, and dispersed the outside world's attention to the role of him in the incident. "

Pusky said that Biden has always "clearly saw the threat of this former president for our democracy" and "how the former president continues to destroy the basic values and rule of law in the United States and the rule of law in the rule of law"" ".

She added that Biden believed that this fatal attack was "the tragedy of all the four years of President Trump's ruling in our country."

In addition, Trump canceled a press conference that was originally scheduled to be held on Thursday evening in Haihu Manor in Florida, accusing the House of Representatives of investigation of riots and news media "biased and dishonesty".

Trump's spokesman said that on January 6, "trying to further split our country" is "not unusual", and "division is the only thing that Democrats know how to do what to do."" ".