(Washington Composite Electric) A military control report on the US State Department's upcoming military control stating that although Beijing claims to strictly adhere to the international treaty that strictly prohibits the nuclear test, there are signs of the nuclear test that China may secretly conduct low explosion power.

The Wall Street Journal reported on Wednesday that although the report did not provide evidence to prove that China violated the agreement, it was mentioned that a series of incidents made the United States worry that Beijing might not comply with the zero -proper amount standard for nuclear weapons.

According to the Treaty of the Nuclear Test in 1996, countries can only conduct zero -propyent tests, which means that the chain reaction cannot be caused in the test to generate nuclear volume.

The United States believes that China may break the zero -volume commitment and states that China has conducted a low volume nuclear test in Lop Nur in Xinjiang.

The report said: China may prepare for the use of the Lop Nur test ground throughout the year, its underground test field, extensive excavation activities in Lop Nur, and its nuclear test activities lack transparency hellip; hellip; causing concerns about whether they comply with the principle of zero proper quantities.

The report pointed out that China lacks transparency is that the sensors located in China and used to detect radioactive substance emissions and ground vibration have been disturbed in the past few years, and they cannot send data to international institutions that monitor China to comply with the banned trial treaty.

A spokesman for the comprehensive prohibition of nuclear test treaties told the Wall Street Journal that data transmission of five sensor stations in China began to be disturbed in 2018, but the interference has not appeared since the end of August 2019.

According to the Wall Street Journal report, the report from the US State Department may further deteriorate the US -China relations that were originally due to the trade war and the recent accusations of the United States accusing China of increasingly rubbing the crown disease.

A senior official in the United States said in an interview that China's nuclear test activities were worrying, highlighting that it was necessary to pull China into the international military control framework.

The Trump administration tried to fight for China ’s new military control agreement to join the United States and Russia. However, China rejected Trump’ s invitation on the grounds that its nuclear force belongs to defense and is not threatened.