(Morning News) U.S. officials said on Tuesday (January 4) that thousands of people were trapped in nearly 80 kilometers of interstate highways in Virginia for more than 20 hours due to Storm Snow.

Reuters reported that American Senator Kane was also trapped in a long team.On Monday, Kane's commute from his home in Fuzhou to the capital became a 27 -hour painful pain.

A stormy snow caused a major highway in the south of Washington Special Economic Zone to be unable to pass. He and thousands of other drivers were trapped on the snowy and snowy highway without water and food.

The state highway 95 in Fozhou is one of the busiest state highways on the east coast of the United States.The Ministry of Communications of the Fouzhou said on Tuesday that the region was covered with heavy snow with 30 cm thick, and the two -way highway located near Frederixburg was closed for many hours.