The U.S. State Department's upcoming report states that China may secretly conduct nuclear tests with extremely low explosions, but Beijing claims that they strictly abide by international agreements and prohibit all nuclear trials.

According to the Wall Street Journal of the United States yesterday (15th), the report did not provide evidence to prove that China violated the agreement, but mentioned that a series of incidents allowed the State Council to pay attention to Beijing that may not comply with the zero output standards for nuclear weapons.

According to Reuters, the zero output standard requires that the nuclear warhead will not have a chain reaction during the nuclear warhead explosion.

The US State Department's attention to this is derived from frequent activities, a large number of excavation projects, and a special explosive room that is said to be an explosive explosive.

Another factor that makes the United States suspicious is that in the past few years, the monitoring station used to detect radioactive emissions and ground vibration monitoring stations in China has occurred in the past few years.

A spokesman for the comprehensive ban on the Treaty Treaty Organization said that the five test stations located in China began to occur in 2018, but the data transmission has not been interrupted since the end of August last year.

Activities for comprehensively prohibiting nuclear test treaties are allowed to carry out activities aimed at ensuring safety of nuclear weapons.Treaty was passed at the UN General Assembly on the 9th of 1996, and China was one of the signed countries.