Anonymous US presence officials pointed out that the latest nuclear -powered submarine sinking in China at the end of May and early June, but the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs did not confirm on Friday (27th).Interviewed scholars analyzed that if the relevant incidents are true, or represent the United States, by showing the ability of military sentiments to master the ability to grasp, they are regarded as a warning of Beijing's test -to -international ballistic missiles this week.

The Wall Street Journal quoted the unknown US officials on Thursday that China concealed the news that a new type of attack nuclear submarine sank in Wuhan, Hubei in the spring.

It is reported that the sinking new -stage nuclear -powered submarine is made by China Ship Group, and the sidelines are used to operate the X -shaped design.The satellite photo taken continuously at the end of May shows that a submarine stopped at the wharf of the Wuchang Shipyard of Wuchang along the Yangtze River and floating on the water on the surface.Multiple large boom floating platforms are carried out for salvage.

The accident was first -July by the Washington Think Tank's New American Security Center (CNAS), a scholar and a former U.S. Navy submarine officer Tom Shugart announced in the social media.

Report quoting Schutart analysis that if the submarine is salvaged ashore, it takes about a lot of cleaning to go out to the sea. The entire submarine should be filled with water. All electronic equipment needs to be cleaned up and the motor must be replaced.

In addition, senior US defense officials who do not want to be named also confirmed to Bloomberg and AFP respectively.

The official said the United States did not know whether the submarine carried nuclear fuel.However, in addition to the obvious level of personnel training and the quality of equipment, the incident has led to the old problems of the Chinese military's internal control and the long -term corruption of the defense industry.

According to Agence France -Presse, a Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs spokesman Lin Jian was asked about relevant reports at a routine press conference on Friday, saying that he did not master relevant information.

In the past, the Chinese submarine manufacturing docks were concentrated in Huludao, which was concentrated in the northeast. In recent years, the nuclear submarine production center has been moved to Wuchang Shipyard.According to the annual China military report released by the Pentagon last year, in 2022, the PLA had 48 diesel power and nuclear power submarines.

In June of this year, a fisherman of Penghu was near the middle line of the Taiwan Strait and found that the nuclear submarine in Mainland China found that it was on the water.The Taiwan military recognizes the model 094 promotion of ballistic missile nuclear submarines, and the UFA is the area of ​​Dongyu Island and Xiajin.

For the sinking of nuclear -powered submarines in the mainland, Gu Lixiong, the Minister of Defense of Taiwan, said in an interview on Friday that the situation was grasped through a variety of intelligence and surveillance methods, but he did not explain the specific situation in detail.

Ding Shufan, a honorary professor at the East Asia Institute of Taiwan Politburo, pointed out in an interview with Lianhe Morning Post that the mainland has set off a series of anti -corruption operations against the Rocket Army last year, and it has reported that the missiles filled with water instead of fuel.Now, if a submarine sinks, it will inevitably cause the outside world to associate whether other arms have similar corruption problems.

Before the US officials proposed the Chinese nuclear submarine's sinking incident, the Chinese military launched an intercontinental ballistic missile with a training simulation warhead on Tuesday (25th) on Tuesday (25th).

Singer, a spokesman for the Pentagon of the United States, confirmed on Wednesday that he had received notifications on the test of this intercontinental ballistic missile beforehand, and affirmed that China reported in advance to show transparency and help prevent any misunderstanding or misjudgment.

Wang Xinxian, the acting director of the International Research Center of Taiwan Political Science and Technology, analyzed the newspaper that on the eve of the US presidential election, the Bayeng government hoped that the United States and China would carry out risk control and control. Therefore, in the past few months, it has continuously strengthened communication with Beijing in military.

He believes that the United States has confirmed that the sinking of the mainland nuclear submarine at this time cannot rule out that Huafu can not have further military operations such as testing intercontinental missiles such as testing intercontinental missiles by showing the ability to grasp the military affairs.