Qin Gang first appeared at a press conference of the "two sessions" foreign minister conference in China yesterday.The best results, and always trip to the other party, and even want the other party to participate in the Paralympic Games. "This is not a fair competition, but a malicious confrontation and foul."

Chinese Foreign Minister Qin Gang criticized the United States in all aspects of curbing the rules of fair competition in the United States, and did not comply with the rules of fair competition. He wanted to "participate in the Paralympic Games" and warned that if the United States continued to soar along the wrong road, no matter how many "guardrails" were blocked, the "guardrails" were blocked.If you can't stop derailment, China and the United States will inevitably fall into conflict confrontation.

Qin Gang appeared at the "Two Sessions" Foreign Minister's press conference in China on Tuesday (March 7). In response to questions about Sino -US relations, it refers to the so -called competition in the United States. "And game ".

Qin Gang spent more than 10 minutes to clarify his position in Sino -US relations, and runs in the Olympic track and field to compare Sino -US relations with two athletes.Starting the opponent and even wanting the other party to participate in the Paralympic Games. "This is not a fair competition, but a malicious confrontation and foul."

Since taking office in the United States, the United States has repeatedly proposed a protective bar for Sino -US relations to ensure that bilateral relations do not slip.

Qin Gang said: "The so -called US side's so -called‘ pretending guardrail ’'‘ not conflicting ’, in fact, it is to be able to fight back and scold, but this cannot be done!

He reminded that if the United States does not step on the brakes, it will continue to soar along the wrong road. No matter how many guardrails, they will not be able to stop derailment, and China and the United States will inevitably fall into conflict confrontation.He questioned that such competition is a gambling with the fundamental interests of the people of the two countries and even the fate of human future.

At a press conference for nearly two hours, Qin Gang responded to 14 on -site questions and criticized the US tone through the press conference.In response to questions about hot topics such as China -Russia, Taiwan, Russia, and the situation in Indo -Pacific, he accused the United States directly or indirectly.

The number of media issues of the Chinese Foreign Minister's press conference this year decreased by nearly half compared with last year.Last year's two -session foreign minister press conference was about 1 hour and 45 minutes. Wang Yi, then foreign minister, answered 27 reporters' questions.

In the context of the fierce competition between China and the United States, Qin Gang emphasized that "scientific and technological progress depends on international exchanges, and the decoupling of science and technology is double losses and more losses."He called on the US government to eliminate the strategic anxiety of threatening expansion, abandon the cold war thinking of zero -sum game, and reject "political correctness" for no adults; and fulfilling their promises and acting with China to jointly explore both conducive to both countries and benefiting the world.The right way to get along with China and the United States.

Qin Gang also rebuked the United States to create a diplomatic crisis that could be avoided.

China is currently vigilant about the situation in which the United States has blocked the world to block China; when Qin Gang explained China's diplomatic focus this year, he reiterated that China will resolutely oppose all forms of hegemonism and power politics, resolutely oppose the Cold War thinking, camp confrontation and confrontation between camps and battalions.Containment and resolutely defend national sovereignty, security, and development interests.

If Japan participates in curbing China, it will not heal the old injury and add new pain

Qin Gang responded to questions about Sino -Japanese relations, and also warned American allies Japan.He reminded that Japanese militarism had caused serious damage to the Chinese nation, and it still hurts.The Chinese people will not forget, and Japan should not forget.

He said that China always treats Japan with goodwill, hoping to be good -looking and friendly."But if some people in the Japanese side are not accompanied by neighbors, but with neighbors, and even participating in the new cold war of China, then the two countries will not heal, add new pain."

Luo Minghui, assistant professor of public policies and global affairs courses in Nanyang University of Science and Technology, analyzed in an interview with Lianhe Morning Post that in November last year, the first offline meeting of the US dollar met to the early days of Qin Gang's office.However, this time the foreign minister's reporter will reverse the previous signal, indicating that China will not make concessions on the Chinese and American issues.